
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

All You Need Is Love

click on photos to enlarge
On Sunday we went to the Go Outside Festival and I was so excited to see not one, but two LOVE signs! I've shown you others we've found HERE HERE & HERE but I feel like I've seen more than that...maybe my search didn't pull them all up...anyways, the Go Fest has really grown since the first one we attended way back in can see that HERE...then there were only a few booths set up and now there's soooo much to do and see...we've been every year except missing probably the 2nd year since the first was nothing to write home about ;)

Linking with Signs, Signs when it goes live...


  1. Famiy pictures to save and enjoy!

  2. I love the second photo - a great family shot! This sounds like a fun festival!

  3. I LOVE this post. :) How cool would it be to have those sweet four letters in your front yard???

  4. The second LOVE sign is the one I love!

  5. The 2nd love sign is kind of special! A wonderful way to remember a family outing!

  6. Both signs stand out well. Now I'll have that song stuck in my head all day!

  7. These are perfect signs for the festival.

  8. Very cool! I know they have the LOVE signs up all over Virginia. I have seen maybe three. And these two are so opposite! I think I like the second one the best.

  9. You have a knack for finding LOVE signs, but so far you don't have the granddaddy of them all, the famous Robert Indiana one.

  10. Ahh...I do like those larger than life signs. You have me singing.


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