
Thursday, March 8, 2018

Tree Ornaments

click on photo to enlarge

James River . Eagle Rock . Botetourt County

Nick was doing a little fishing here and I noticed these clumps of leaves balled up on the branches and thought they looked like ornaments!

Today I am thankful for the nice lady that took my phone call at the courthouse...I had gotten a speeding ticket a while back and had the date that I needed to pay by locked in this steel trap brain of mine (haha)...well when I pulled my ticket out to pay I had the date wrong and was late, yikes! It said that I had to pay before the date I had in my mind or my license would be suspended so according to this my license was suspended...I was a day late! I started to freak out and shake and literally felt like I was about to pass out...I frantically called the courthouse and the nice person who answered the phone said "hold on a minute, let me see what I can do"...she came back and said that she could extend it for 2 weeks! Well needless to say I bolted right down there and paid it! I can't tell you the relief that flooded over me when she told me it was fixed! I am a procrastinator through and through and it gets me in a lot of deep water, you would think I would learn my lesson by now! But I have learned to slow down a bit thanks to the ticket! Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday

**Been missing this has just been one of those weeks!**


  1. I'm glad that you were able to find someone with empathy. That's rare these days. As for those ornaments: I think that people who leave their ornaments up year round should do street cleaning work for a few weeks! :) Love the light in this photo.

  2. These clumps of leaves are strange.They almost look like wasp nests. You charmed the courthouse clerk!! All's well that ends well.

  3. I like your tree ornaments ... I’m all about letting nature do the decorating! I am always thankful to deal with people who do their jobs well with empathy for their customers (especially when customers are those who pay their salary through taxes) . And actually we find that most all of them on the local level at least do well!

  4. They do look like ornaments!

    Good for that person at the courthouse.

    The last time I've had to deal with anyone in a courthouse was some months back when I called a courthouse in a town a few hours drive away. The person who lived where I live before me kept having mail from them sent to my place, apparently some sort of summons or a fine that was still outstanding.

  5. Those "ornaments" are pretty cool. Looks like something I might find around here! Thanks for linking up today!

  6. Interesting photo!
    Glad you found a clerk filled with kindness!

  7. With the strange fall weather many of our tree leaves did not fall and froze on the trees and remained there through the winter until lately.

  8. That's something different to see! My Hubby is a procrastinator extraordinaire, too, and it makes me crazy sometimes!

  9. What a blessing to find a helpful, real person! In today's world of automation, sometimes it takes forever just to get past the Dial 1 for ... gauntlet!

  10. Neat! They do look like ornaments.

  11. They DO look like ornaments; mother nature is a decorator. :0 What an awesome thing for someone to do for you....but then again, you're pretty awesome and you deserve a break.


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