Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The First Snow
This was from our first winter snow a couple of weeks ago. It had snowed all day Sunday and this is what I woke up to on Monday morning....within a few hours, it had all melted from the trees....and within a day, it had all completely melted!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Barn Charm Tuesday
I didn't have a new barn to show you this week so I had to dig through my archives. I posted this one a while back, but it was before Barn Charm's time so I thought it was ok to use again seeing as I had nothing else and as long as I messed with the effects. I played with the Cross Process on this one, the original is untouched which you can see if you click below "original" below....
To see barns from all over, visit Barn Charm!

Monday, February 27, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Ozzy Sunday
We derive immeasurable good, uncounted pleasures, enormous security, and many critical lessons about life by owning dogs.
Roger Caras, A Celebration of Dogs
Friday, February 24, 2012
SkyWatch Friday
Stormy skies at Explore Park, off the Blue Ridge Parkway
Any fun plans this weekend? The boys have their last basketball game in the morning then in a couple of weeks we'll be starting baseball practice and Christian will be starting track practice next week. So excited all the spring sports are starting up! By the end of the season we'll have forgotten how cold we were when it all started and sitting in the bleachers in 90 degree weather! Hard to believe!
To see skies from all over the world, visit Skyley!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Rural Thursday - Blog Hop # 4
The house on the hill....Fincastle, Va
Happenings this week....let's see....Ozzy turned 1, yep, he had a birthday! We also got our first snow for the winter! Started coming down Sunday morning and we ended up with about 5 or 6 inches when all was said and done. The kids got a snow day on Monday and a 2 hour delay yesterday out of it but if I look out the window right now, there is no evidence of snow to be found! And....spring is right around the corner!
Ok, now go check out Rural Thursday, it's pretty cool!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Barn Charm Tuesday
When the snow actually started to stick on Sunday, Ozzy and I went out for a walk. This barn is nothing special, not like the really neat old barns they used to build, but this one is just a couple of houses down from my house and I liked the way the tracks were leading into it and the fencing and the fact that I didn't have a barn photo to share for today and here was this barn just waiting for its turn on Barn Charm!
To see barns from all over the world, visit Tricia @ Barn Charm!

Almost all our snow melted yesterday, it was so warm and sunny out, but the kids have a 2 hour delay this morning because of icy roads.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Happy Birthday Ozzy!
Ozzy has much to be excited about today! It's his FIRST birthday and it snowed yesterday so the kids are all home enjoying a snowday, the first of the school year! We must have gotten about 5 inches but today's warmer temps, about 50, will probably melt most of it before we know it.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Ozzy Sunday
The waiting is the hardest part....
The other day the boys decided they wanted to get off the bus at their friend's bus stop so they could play as soon as they got off the the first photo Ozzy notices the bus in front of the the next photo Ozzy notices the bus leaving but no Braden and Dalton and looks at me like "do you see this?" the last photo poor Ozzy just waits and waits for his best friends to come home. I think that is the happiest time of his day!
Friday, February 17, 2012
SkyWatch Friday
The spring house on Healing Springs Road, Blue Ridge, Va.
To see skies from all over, check out Skyley!
Have a super weekend!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Rural Thursday Blog Hop # 3
This lonely little house sits all alone in Catawba Valley. I don't know the story of this little place but it appears to be deserted. I'm always drawn to it when driving by and always have to get a photo of it and I'm sure I've shown a picture of it on this blog before. I wonder how a home just becomes this way. Who just up and leaves?
Linking to Rural Thursday Blog Hop....go rural and unwind some!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Spring House
Blue Ridge Resort was known for its "healing springs" and was built around the time of the Civil War. Destroyed by fire, all that remains is this little spring house.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Barn Charm Tuesday
Had to pick Ashlyn up over at Brugh's Mill on Sunday...this barn is right off exit 156 in Troutville. I was in too much of a hurry to really grab a good shot but I do need to make the effort to run back up there as there were a couple of great looking barns right there off the exit...worth exploring....SOON!
To see more barns from all over the world visit Tricia @ Barn Charm!

Happy Valentine's Day!!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Yellow, Green, Red
Some old trucks at the Museum of Transportation. I used the Gritty effect on this.
Monday? Already?!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
SkyWatch Friday
(moon with contrails)
This was the "Snow Moon" from Tuesday night. We did see snow on Wednesday, snowed a big part of the morning BUT nothing stuck, not even one little snowflake. Will we ever end up with some snow ON THE GROUND this winter? Although on second thought, I'm actually ready for spring now, so nevermind!
Check out more skies from all over the world by visiting SKYLEY
Have a great's supposed to be a cold one here!
This was the "Snow Moon" from Tuesday night. We did see snow on Wednesday, snowed a big part of the morning BUT nothing stuck, not even one little snowflake. Will we ever end up with some snow ON THE GROUND this winter? Although on second thought, I'm actually ready for spring now, so nevermind!
Check out more skies from all over the world by visiting SKYLEY
Have a great's supposed to be a cold one here!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Rural Thursday Blog Hop # 2
I saw this little rural home out in Fincastle one day. Look at that porch! I just imagine, when the weather is warmer, someone sitting in one of those rockers playing a fiddle or a banjo and lots of fun going on, kids running around, people dancing, sharing the town gossip....just a fun old timey Saturday night! Linking to Rural Thursday Blog Hop!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Watery Wednesday
(what is left of the cotton mill @ Harpers Ferry)
Once the largest building on Virginius Island, this 1848 four-story brick structure sported steam heat and gas lighting and boasted the latest machinery for making "yard-wide sheeting and shirting at less than Baltimore prices." The cotton mill operated under various owners until just prior to the Civil War. After the war, the new partnership of Child & McCreight converted the factory into a flour mill.
Business at the flour mill lagged. Production was first disrupted by the 1870 flood. The mill finally was abandoned after a flood in 1889 ended all hope for economic recovery.
Linking up with Watery Wednesday!
Once the largest building on Virginius Island, this 1848 four-story brick structure sported steam heat and gas lighting and boasted the latest machinery for making "yard-wide sheeting and shirting at less than Baltimore prices." The cotton mill operated under various owners until just prior to the Civil War. After the war, the new partnership of Child & McCreight converted the factory into a flour mill.
Business at the flour mill lagged. Production was first disrupted by the 1870 flood. The mill finally was abandoned after a flood in 1889 ended all hope for economic recovery.
Linking up with Watery Wednesday!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Monday, February 6, 2012
Signage Three
The Texas Tavern in Roanoke, Va...they claim "We seat 1000 people a day.....
10 seats at a time"....
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Ozzy Sunday
When the Man waked up he said,
"What is Wild Dog doing here?"
And the Woman said,
"His name is not Wild Dog any more,
but the First Friend,
because he will be our friend
for always and always and always."
"What is Wild Dog doing here?"
And the Woman said,
"His name is not Wild Dog any more,
but the First Friend,
because he will be our friend
for always and always and always."
Rudyard Kipling's Superbowl Sunday! Who's your team? I've got a house full of Patriots fans for the day. Nick has a huge menu planned and we also have a neighborhood Superbowl party to attend. Should be a fun night!
Friday, February 3, 2012
SkyWatch Friday
A couple of weeks ago, on a nice warm-ish Saturday, we decided to get outside and do a little hiking around. We ended up at Explore Park off the Blue Ridge Parkway. Despite these dramatic clouds, it really was nice weather. We brought a cooler filled with some water and sandwiches and sat right here in this spot and had a nice picnic!
To see more skies from all over the world, visit Skyley!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Signage Two
Another great old train from the Museum of Transportation in Roanoke, Va
Along with today being Groundhog Day, it is also my 2 youngest boys birthday! They turn 10 today! Happy Birthday to Braden and Dalton!!
Also.....I'm linking with the FIRST EVER "Rural Thursday" blog hop so go on over and check out some rural-ness!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012
February Theme Day - Animals
Today of course (1st of the month) is another Theme Day for the City Daily Photo players. I got my Theme Day themes confused and thought this month's theme was "electricity" so I hadn't planned to participate this month, I'm at a loss on how to capture "electricity"....but then I noticed that in actuality, the theme for THIS MONTH is could I not post another picture of Ozzy?!
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
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