
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ozzy Sunday

The waiting is the hardest part....

The other day the boys decided they wanted to get off the bus at their friend's bus stop so they could play as soon as they got off the the first photo Ozzy notices the bus in front of the the next photo Ozzy notices the bus leaving but no Braden and Dalton and looks at me like "do you see this?" the last photo poor Ozzy just waits and waits for his best friends to come home. I think that is the happiest time of his day!


  1. You can always tell the time of day by the actions of your dog. :-))

  2. What a sweet "welcome home" companion!

  3. This is just so sweet. Our schnauzer would NEVER be able to sit and wait patiently without heavy medication. I am in bed warm and cozy on laptop and Bud is out running. He just called me and said he had seen some snowflakes. YEAH!!!! It looks like you all and Lex are on the same schedule. We have some parts of this county that really can get dumped upon so I am hoping and praying it dumps a LOT. The kids last week were so bad and I had 6-8 in my windowless, closet,cellblock all week. It almost killed me. GRIM! Keep me posted on what it is doing....tell your boys to get ready for some sledding. genie

  4. The dog we had when my son took the school bus was the same way. She would hear the sound of the bus and run to the front window and watch my son come home. It is amazing how they know time, Sadie knows when people walk their dogs and runs upstairs to her perch at the appropriate time. Happy Sunday Ozzy!

  5. Ha! Boys and their dog. Gotta love it.

  6. Ohhhhhhh :-(. Poor Ozzy - if I could figure out how to do expression with a pouty face I would. I so love that he loves those boys soooo. Yay Ozzy Diggity!!!!!

  7. Hi dolcissimo Ozzy !!!
    Anche Igor mi aspetta con impazienza.
    E la sua pazienza รจ veramente infinita !!!!
    Tanti baci Myriam :))

  8. Poor Ozzy, all that hype for nothing. Let down !!!

  9. That's so sweet! Ozzy is very handsome and obviously faithful.

  10. Aw, I can just feel his disappointment.

  11. Cute series. He had a little extra love stored up by the time they came home.

  12. Hi! New follower here! Yep, we have that here, too. Waiting for the kids to get off the bus:


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