
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Barn Charm Tuesday

When the snow actually started to stick on Sunday, Ozzy and I went out for a walk. This barn is nothing special, not like the really neat old barns they used to build, but this one is just a couple of houses down from my house and I liked the way the tracks were leading into it and the fencing and the fact that I didn't have a barn photo to share for today and here was this barn just waiting for its turn on Barn Charm!

To see barns from all over the world, visit Tricia @ Barn Charm!

Almost all our snow melted yesterday, it was so warm and sunny out, but the kids have a 2 hour delay this morning because of icy roads.


  1. we have a little snow leftover from the storm. but the sun yesterday did warm it up very much so. hope you & Ozzy had a great walk. great shot. (:

  2. I am not sure I would prosper so well in weather this cold. I guess one has to be born to it.

  3. Thats the amount of snow I like, just enough to turn the ground white.

  4. lol julie, i wasn't born into it either, i'm a southern california girl! but you do become used to it! and jim is correct, i like just enough snow to cover the ground, but i also like it to leave within the next day or two!

  5. Reminds me of some West Virginia barns I have seen

  6. Your photos always catch my eye on the CDP portal - always so well composed, just like this one!

  7. The light snow just adds to the charm!

  8. That barn reminds me of adirondack cabins that we camped in when I was young. I'll never forget waking up to a layer of snow on my sleeping bag.

  9. the tracks in the snow make this shot! :)

  10. Nice composition and exposer ... I love your barn shots ... keep up the great work.

  11. oh by the way Milan was good but way too cold and its not as pretty as Venice or Rome plus the cold made it less appealing to go out and shoot in.

  12. It's a barn, so, to me, it IS special! The tracks up the drive & the fencing really add to the scene.

    Thanks for sharing w/ us at Barn Charm =)

  13. It's still a really cute barn! Looks nice with a little snow too.

  14. I like the tracks in the snow and the fencing...cute little barn!

  15. This is a good barn for a wintry scene. I also like the tracks leading to the barn.

  16. That skiff of snow makes it magical!

  17. All barns deserve their day on the blog. It is nice to have one so close for a last minute shot. I have one behind my house that I have been saving for just such an occasion.

  18. I also like the tracks leading to it in the snow.

  19. I really like this shot, Tanya. It's inviting. :)

  20. It's a simple barn, and a really nice shot!

  21. Nice! I do like those tracks in the snow.

  22. Nice composition with leading lines taking you right to the focal point. A smattering of snow around a country scene is pretty nice too.

  23. Oh goodness...every barn is special and thank goodness for people like you and all of us here who love to photograph them :) Some may not be as pretty or as stately as others but they all have their charm. I love this little barn with the weathered wood and the narrow road leading to it...BEAUTIFUL PHOTO!!! Thank you so much for sharing this sweet one with us :) Hope your day is a good one.
    Maura :)

  24. I think it is very special indeed! Useful AND beautiful in the snow.

    Love your Virginia countryside too.

  25. This looks just like where I live in Indiana,
    actually this looks like a cousin to one of our barns.
    Great photo; love the tracks.


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