This amazing home is in Buchanan, Va...I could so easily live there! Took the boys to Buchanan's little theater on Saturday to see Red Tails. It was pretty good. Some of you might remember when I showed you the theater last week or so.
Today is my little girl's last day of high school. Man oh man how those years have just sailed by. Sunday there is a Baccalaureate party for the graduating class at a local church. Then next week is the actual graduation ceremony.
Tomorrow I'll be heading to Jamestown with my boys and their 4th grade classes. Looking forward to that. Rain is in the forecast. Need to buy an umbrella today.
Still having issues with the photo uploads. I have always had my photo size set to large. I don't think I have extra large as an option but if I do, it is checked because I do know that I have it set to the biggest size, always have. All of a sudden a few months ago blogger changed something so that my pictures uploaded smaller, just happened one day without me changing any formatting. I googled the issue and found a way around it by changing the html and that worked. Now it changed again for some strange reason and it won't change the size now by changing html. Yesterday I used Photobucket to upload it but it ended up posting even larger than I wanted and changed the whole look of my blog. I don't have the time right now to investigate this further so for now that's how I'm going to do things but it's just so frustrating to me to not be able to figure this out! And TexWis, you asked me if I was on old or new interface the other day. Once again I've been switched to the new interface. Blogger just changed the interface on me recently, yet again, although this time I have no option to switch back to the old interface.
I don't understand how there can be so many of us on Blogger, yet it's different for some of us....anyway, end of long boring rant about my picture problems!
Did anyone watch the Hatfields and McCoys series on the History Channel this week? It was really good. Incredibly sad story.
Linking up with Rural Thursday!

Updating about the double pictures now lol....I just got done messing around with the html and it worked and is back to normal size again so you'll just have to bear with the double picture post today because I need to remember what I did to change the size lol...but who knows, what worked today may not work tomorrow!