
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Black & White Wednesday

Another of the old Coca~Cola building. I can't find any information on it. It's such a great building that you'd think there'd be some sort of history out there on it. So, again, this is in Alleghany County, I think in Covington. Hopefully, someone, somewhere and sometime will fill us in!

Still haven't heard back from the historical society on what that other little building is.

Have to take the boys to the mall today...It's their first day of Christmas break. Christian wants to get a present for Braden and Dalton. I have a couple of things I need to pick up but can't with the boys with me so I'll need to be sneaky ;) We'll grab some lunch. Should be a nice day with my guys.

Weather wise: Thursday night
Friday morning
I'm just a little bit excited about this right now!


  1. I'm in Florida and would love some snow. :) Love old buildings and black and white suits this photo. Merry Christmas!!!

  2. I'm kind of hoping Friday doesn't amount to much, as the boys and I have had a special day trip planned for weeks.

    What a cool building - isn't it frustrating when you find a place like that but can't dig up any history?!

  3. When I was a kid I think I had a bottle of coke everyday.

  4. Oh that is a cool building. Enjoy shopping with your boys. Wow maybe you will get snow now. B

  5. Loving that building...and snow sounds much more fun than the rain we are having. Enjoy your shopping.

  6. What a nostalgic, lovely b&w. I hope you got a little clever bit of shopping snuck in:) (Very excited for your snow, hoping we get some too!)

  7. I like your black-and-white photograph of this old building. I hope your trip to the mall went well.

  8. Full of nostalgia, good luck with the snow!

  9. We have a Coca-Cola building in Terrell. Its pretty small, I need to try to get a good shot of it. Hope you had fun shopping, I'm a 32x30 FYI.

  10. That building is awesome. Ah, the good old days, when we could enjoy a soda, guilt-free! My aunt had a soda fridge in her garage. All the nieces and nephews could stop by for one, anytime... :-) Hope you had a fun and productive day with your boys!


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