Libby's located on Salem Ave, Roanoke
On Saturday I ran over to Black Dog Salvage. They had some chalk paint that I wanted to try out on some tables. I don't really know this area well and so on the way back, I of course made a wrong turn and ended up just a teency bit lost. I have ZERO sense of direction but I knew which way downtown was so I just sort of headed that way and knew we'd get home. Oh, but being a teency bit lost, I came across this super awesome building with the super awesome signage! Of course I had to go over and get a picture!
Sadly this place is up for sale. Here's a bit of info I found:
"The building dates to 1910 and opened as a grocery store. It belonged to Garst Brothers Dairy before the Monsour family took it over. Elizabeth "Libby" Monsour turned the store into a restaurant when her father died. No one can remember exactly when this happened, but Grubb and patrons agree it was in the mid-1940s."
Grubb was the last owner and judging by the results of my Google search, it was a pretty yummy place to eat. I wonder what happened, why it closed?
For the rest of the story I quoted, you can Click Here
Linking with Signs, Signs