
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Abandoned Main Street VII

click on photos to enlarge
Main Street . Pamplin City . Appomattox County

Linking with Our World Tuesday


  1. Ghost city,
    Greeting from Belgium in Mons

  2. I hope they bring these old places back to life. That must have been lovely old shop in its day.

  3. that one's almost painful to look at.

  4. So lovely but sad too.

  5. I agree with Tex; those once-vibrant buildings are so very sad looking!

  6. Beautiful and interesting, even sad pictures, Tanya !
    Is the whole street abandoned?

  7. Very sad. I am assuming that there is a mall or something else that made it this way. But I may be wrong?

  8. Hi Tanya,

    I still check out your blog to get my daily dose of home, thanks for providing such a cool site for a country boy to get his fix from across the country . I have really enjoyed the pix of Pamplin City, makes me wanna move back and restore all of those cool buildings. It’s a shame to see such classic architecture slowly decaying. Anyway, I stumbled across the Bitter Southerner site, when they had an article about the 50 best southern albums of 2014 a while back. I get regular e-mails from them now, and really enjoy their stories, etc. I was just reading “Go Tell It On The Mountain”, right after viewing your blog and I thought you would really enjoy their site as well. Chances are you’ve already discovered it. We’re eagerly anticipating our annual trip to Smith Mtn Lake/Buchanan in June, my gals love it which thrills me. Hope you and your family have a great summer, and I look forward to your future blogs.

    PS: I tried to e-mail you, but it bounced back. Hope it's OK I just copied and pasted my message to your site. Thanks.

    Will R.

    1. hi!! it's good to hear from you! my email changed to breese823 @ yahoo . com ...we changed internet providers! thanks for the link, it sounds like something i'd love! i know you all will enjoy your trip back home! now off to check out the link :)

  9. This one really is starting to look a little rough!

  10. This place has seen much better days!

  11. Like your photos of this fine, old building. Too bad it has fallen into such disrepair. Downtown areas of many towns and cities have suffered from the loss of meaningful commercial activity.

  12. Wonderful shots! I wish someone would restore it.

  13. Don't know if they can save that one.


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