
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tuesday's Treasure - Farmville Baptist Church

click on photos to enlarge
132 North Main Street
Built 1914 & renovated/enlarge in 1960.
I've never seen a church like this one before, have you?

And now a special treasure just for Tom!
Blue Ridge Blvd . Blue Ridge

This little antique store is just around the corner from where I live. The people inside are so nice and lots of little treasures to find!

Linking with Tom's Tuesday's Treasures

On a side note, remember last weeks post about the slave cabins? Well the Board of Supervisors still aren't listening and have moved the cabins ahead of schedule and have started tearing up the beautiful hill :(

Can you please vote for my picture? This is the view taken from that hill a couple of years ago, now on it's way to destruction.


  1. Hello Tanya
    I find the small, old antique shop also very beautiful, can well imagine that there are many things here.
    I wish you a nice day.

  2. What a mixture of styles in the church building!
    Great find for Tom's treasures!

  3. Classic church building and sweet find for Tom. I seem to learn about different new mimes from you :).

  4. That is a stately church building. It would be interesting to take a look into Tom's Antiques shop.

  5. You will have Tom traveling to Virginia ;)
    Placed my vote at the Times.

  6. I like these old Houses. They always tell a story ...
    Thanks for stopping by!

  7. A beautiful church, but it does remind me more of a library.

  8. Well Tanya you are the treasure! Thanks for reminding me that I'm an antique yet collectible. That one handsome church. Thanks for joining in and I hope you hurry back soon.

  9. The church is beautiful and different. I guess I was expecting a steeple :) Different is good!

  10. Lovely mish mash of styles that are working well on the old church building!

  11. That looks more like a federal building than a church....but still, it is a beauty.

  12. If there were a big steeple overhead it would be a pretty conventional church in New England. Maybe the steeple got knocked off?

  13. Great classical front on that church! La Madeleine Church in Paris has a classical design similar to the Parthenon.

  14. A lovely old church, it looks more like a library or museum building to me :)


  15. UGH!!! I tried to vote for you but I think I was getting the wrong form. It was one for entering. Please tell me what to do. Did you hear the news tonight that the plantation in ONE day had collected 45,000.00 (I think that is the amount) to stop the movement of the second slave quarters and it has gone back to the “supervisors”. I think people are getting up in arms about this. I surely am. It si awful what they are trying to do. Maybe now they will change their minds. I think the plantation is saying they are expecting much more money coming in.

  16. That's a gorgeous church. I think it's fun you found an Antique store with (Tom's) name on it. So sad about the slave quarters sight.

  17. Great choices for Tuesday's Treasures. I like little shops like that to poke around in for treasures...


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