
Monday, January 9, 2017

Snow Day 2017

click on photos to enlarge

Botetourt County

It happened! We got snow! It started in the middle of the night sometime Friday and didn't stop till about noon Saturday...I guess we ended up with about 5 inches but it has been so cold that a lot of roads are really icy so we ended up with a snow day today!
Pictures 1 & 2 are looking up and down my street
Picture 3 is Riley checking out our driveway
Picture 4 is Ozzy and Riley playing...they sure do love the snow!

Linking up with Mersad's Through My Lens


  1. looks like you have more than we do!

  2. Our dog loves snow, too, but the cat doesn't like it!
    We had snow in the forecast, but it missed us.
    Have a great week!

  3. So beautiful. Our snowfalls have all been those wispy light snowflakes. I love your big fluffy flakes.

    Lisa @ Life Thru the Lens

  4. Well of course it snowed in Roanoke. We left there a week ago! Anyway, I'm glad you got some good snaps of it even if I didn't.

  5. Nice wintry images, Tanya, the dogs have fun !

  6. We are about the same here, tons of ice! It looks like you live in a lovely neighborhood!! And your pictures really show the snow. I haven't been out since it started, and I don't want to either. But we are busy the next three days, WAH.

  7. Love your snow pictures. They make the snow look so fun and charming. I'm feeling a little bit of cabin fever, though. How about you? Stay safe.


  8. These snow photos are so nostalgic. I can remember when I was young (I can so!) and how I enjoyed snowy days. Freshly-fallen snow has a certain beauty. But, OK, I've seen enough. I'm going golfing on green grass now!

  9. What a delightful sight! The dogs are definitely having fun!

  10. We had snow days on Thursday and Friday. Always fun!

  11. Beautiful scenes! You got twice as much as we did.

  12. Keep warm!
    Looks like the dogs have a good time :-)

  13. Everything always looks prettier in the snow don't you think


  14. Wow, you have snow! On photos it looks idyllic, enjoy the time (hope, the traffic problems are not to big)


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