
Friday, May 5, 2017

Willy Nilly Friday 5 No. 128

click on photos to enlarge

1) Last Friday Nick and I went to Buchanan for the start of their Civil War weekend...I thought this car parked in front of the old theater looked timely...although I don't know if the age of the car is before the theater but to me they went together ;) I've shown you more pictures over the years that we've seen the Battle of Buchanan HERE
2) A West Virginia bear hanging out in a Roanoke, Virginia front yard...this person likes bears :)

3) A Buchanan Kitty Cat

4) These 2, Christian (my son) and his girlfriend Madeline have been together 1 year today...right now they are out celebrating their anniversary with dinner at Billy's

5) As I get this post ready to roll it is Thursday evening. Dalton hurt his back over the weekend at a track meet doing the long jump. I took him to the chiropractor today and it was jammed up pretty good the dr. said so he adjusted it and Dalton is feeling much better...Ashlyn left this morning to go to Harrisonburg to see her best friend graduate from JMU (Ashlyn's alma mater) then they are heading to Hilton Head for a girl's week at the beach!

That's my 5 this week and if you joined in last week and/or this week I want to thank you! I also want to thank you for the visits and comments when my own visits and comments have been slim! I really do appreciate you and thank you for playing along! If you are new, it's easy, post 5 randoms, link back and visit others as time permits! Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend friends!


  1. Your first picture looks straight out of the 50's! Christian and Madeline are adorable, they are both so beautiful. There are some bear statues around here, too.

  2. Love the photos, especially of your son Christian and Madeline. They make a lovely couple, handsome and beautiful :) I shall be joining in again when once I get home and settle down some :)

  3. Sorry to hear about Dalton's back injury and hope it won't be long before he is fully recovered.

  4. It myst be great to ride on this car to the theatre and wear an old fashioned dress... -
    A truly bear lover and: the cats are black all over the world ;-)
    Happy Weekend

    (Have linked up my post from last friday, I haven't managed to write a new for today)

  5. #1 That 'Black Bomb' is from around 1940 give or take.
    #2 Doesn't every love bears?
    #3 Ready for Halloween.
    #4 Young and in love!
    #5 Last night I picked up my Granddaughter from her track meet, man was she wet and cold or what.

  6. Cute couple...and I like that old car, too.

  7. What a beautiful cat ! One year being together is so cute when I think we are 49 years together, lol !

  8. Hope Dalton makes a quick recovery. Love the car, the kitty, and the bear! Handsome son and girlfriend -- happy anniversary to them! Happy Friday and thanks for hosting!

  9. LOVE that car. I would totally drive that to work ;)

  10. Sorry to hear about Dalton. A back injury can be painful. Love the car photo and the happy couple! I didn't see a linkup last week so I missed it.

    1. Oh, am I linked twice? I had trouble linking up and wound up typing in your entire URL with http: with no "s" in order to get it to work.

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  13. Cool car, I like the "Bears" and of course I can't resist a pretty kitty cat. - Cute & Happy looking couple.

  14. That car might be a 1940 Ford sedan. Don't know the age of the theater, but the car is well after the Civil War. Hope Dalton is fully recovered now.

  15. Congratulations to Christian and his girlfriend, and thanks for hosting!


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