
Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

click on photo to enlarge

Woodpecker Ridge . Troutville

Good morning! I'm up bright and early getting the turkey ready to pop in the oven! In just a few minutes I need to get the boys up and fed and drop them off at school...they have football practice this morning, just a couple of hours...they won the playoffs last week so no rest for the wicked ;) Ashlyn will pick them up on her way over to help me cook...then Christian and Madeline will stop over in between their other Thanksgiving visits to Madeline's family...Ashlyn's boyfriend will also stop over in between his running around...I remember those busy holidays of having to visit family on both sides! And for all this, I am thankful today! I am also thankful for you, my blogging buddies...I wish you all a super holiday, and for my non American buddies, have a great day!! Take care!

Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday


  1. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with the family !

  2. I just found your site through Lee Anna's blog and love your photography of your lovely countryside! Happy Thanksgiving. mary in Az

  3. Enjoy your day! Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Sounds like you've got a good day planned. Making my blog rounds today to say Happy Thanksgiving. I'm happy to be going elsewhere, so the mess will be not at my house, lol.

  5. Looks like everything is running smoothly there. I hope you have a wonderful and warm Thanksgiving. Woodpecker Ridge! So are there really lots of woodpeckers there? If so, we would go! Well, being birdwatchers...

  6. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!
    And a fun-filled week-end ahead!

  7. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Very pretty capture.


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)