
Monday, November 6, 2017

Jewel Tones

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Fall has arrived in my little corner of Virginia! I'll show you up and down my street...this is what I see when I walk out my front door...
My neighbor's house...
Looking down my street...
Looking the other way down my street...if it was a clear day you would be able to see the Blue Ridge Mountains...but the fog covered them up!
Ozzy really, really loves the cooler temperatures!
Linking up with Mersady's Through My Lens

Happy Monday! :)


  1. Fine fall colors. Are those real deer or statues? Your dog does look happy.

  2. Finally fall here, too, of course. You live on a street so much like ours!! Maybe we can meet one day. Beautiful pictures.

  3. Gorgeous colors in your neck of the woods.

  4. Love the contrast between the autumn colours and the green foliage. Ozzy looks pretty content.

  5. Beautiful color days are here again :)


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