
Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Old House On Pioneer Road

This is the old abandoned farm house I was telling you about. See the 2 vultures up on the roof? A little spooky right?

I am not sure if this is considered Blue Ridge or Roanoke. Not too far across the main road, 460, is the Blue Ridge Library.

This is the end of Pioneer Road. Not much on Pioneer. It's a short gravel road that runs between the creek and a big empty field. On the other side of the creek are train tracks. I had to stop for the train while I was out driving. Also on the other side of the creek is a beautiful old antebellum style home. I imagine that back in the day, when this house was well cared for, they were probably the only 2 in the area.

I didn't venture past the old house, or even into its front yard. I felt a little safer in the open field where I could make a run for it if I had to :) BUT I didn't see any "no trespassing" signs!


  1. Oh my goodness! This really is spooky! Vultures and all! You are brave for getting as close as you did! This would make a great Halloween card! How sad for this poor old house. It always makes me wonder who lived there and why it was abandoned. If only walls could talk! Great shot! xx

  2. poor old overgrown thing. great photo op, though!

  3. made me laugh saying you stayed out in the open field where you could run if you had to...that would be me. Yes, that looks like something from a horror movie. Maybe we've both watched too many scary movies? Great pictures...and boy, were you brave to go there to photograph it!!!

  4. Lol, you are adventurous! I like the birds and I'm not sure I'd have seen them if you hadn't pointed them out. I think they add so much to the place (and the photo!)

  5. Wow, that is not only old, but very tangled! Cool find!

  6. Ooh, spooky, but a rather nice photo.

  7. You did very well to spot it amongst all that undergrowth... and so did the vultures!

  8. It's so sad when homes are neglected like that.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  9. I love all those branches and the blue sky!

  10. Great is a little spooky...I can understand why you felt alittle apprehensive.

  11. Yes, spooky! I would want to explore, but would be too timid. If you get brave enough, be sure to share!

  12. I'd like to just go in that thicket and snatch those vines away! Great find, Tanya.

  13. I like the obscured old house. It looks mysterious and with all those trees and brush would feel a bit dangerous. Fine shot.

  14. I love this spooky capture, amazing you caught those vultures too - but I'd be right with you, making sure I could make a quick run for it, just in case!:)

  15. That is pretty spooky! I don't know if I'd want to venture out there alone! Haha. But I'm a scaredy cat :)

  16. Generally speaking, that is the Coyner Springs area of the county. It is very close to the Roanoke/Botetourt County lines so without actually knowing exactly where this is it is hard to say whether it's Botetourt or Roanoke.

    Great photo. Hate those vultures!

  17. I'll bet it was a grand place back in it's heyday but now, it is rather spooky looking! The vultures are a nice touch. LOL!!

  18. Feels like a piece of a fairy-tale. Must look great if taken care of.

  19. What a great old house -- I would have been a bit scared to get any closer as well. :)

  20. I think the yard needs some work.

  21. Two vultures? Which Congressional Districts are they from?

  22. This house is in historic Bonsack. I've been in it. There was a fire in the house, no idea when. There are a bunch of books laying around and a lot of old furniture. Two sheds are out in the back and a little tunnel. There are also a lot of holes in the ground and randoms pieces of the house are missing. It was very cool and scary at the same time.

    1. thanks for that info! when were you in it? do you think i could go inside? i'll wait till winter though to make sure no snakes are in there!

  23. do not i repeat DO NOT go into this house i have been in it twice.. 1st time went well upstairs has fire damage and floor is a little unstable but there is some cool stuff inside 2nd time is a different story... we found heroin needles on the front porch so we left, upon asking local police what they know they said they get called out to that house all the time, not because of trespassers but because it is a known drug house for the homless being as it is easily accessible right next to the train tracks


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