
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Signs, Signs - Dembrosky of Pittsburgh

My Great Grandparents' house, Pittsburgh, South 25th Street, South Side (click on pictures to enlarge)

One of the reasons I wanted to go to Pittsburgh was to see my Great Grandparents' house. August Dembrosky was born in Russia and came here in 1896. He met my Great Grandmother Helena (Lena) Meskus (born in Lithuania) and together they raised 13 children in this house, the white house with the little green awning. Although back then I suspect it was probably brick as I doubt they put siding up back then lol.... A cousin told me that she thinks they also owned that brick house next to it.

For more on Dembrosky and a picture of him and Lena, you can visit my genealogy blog HERE and HERE

and I am linking to Signs, Signs


  1. Happy for you that you found the house; looks neat, trim, and pretty small for 13 children. Whew! Went to your link and loved the comparative wedding portraits.

  2. I love tracing my roots as well. Your great grandparents' house looks great and well maintained. I can imagine the house was full of hustle and bustle with all the 13 children!

  3. A real homely looking home!

  4. A very nice, yes, it seems that the side is brick!

  5. love the sweet green awning! my father's name was august. :)

  6. Well that's just super cool that you went to all that trouble to find their house. 13 children in that small place....can you imagine? We take our comfort much too much for granted. You come from some pretty amazing people, don't you? You can be proud of your roots!

  7. How nice that their home is still in existence and that you were able to find it and photograph it.


  8. Wow how neat! So cool that you were able to find that house!

  9. How fun is that to find your great grandparents home and it is still in good condition!

  10. Oh that is so so cool you were able to find this place and that it still exists! Can you imagine raising 13 kids:) (Good luck with applying for the DAR scholarships!)

  11. Nice shots - I've never been to Pittsburgh.

  12. Pittsburgh is simply an awesome place to live forever and ever :-)...ahhh I so wanna go back..

  13. Wow! Finding that home connected with your family must bring history so alive for you!

  14. After seeing your Pittsburgh shots, I am really sorry we drove around it some years ago. Big place but looks really interesting. So neat to find family homes from the past. Super!


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