
Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday Fences & Random 5's

(click on photo to enlarge)

Booker T Washington National Park in Franklin County
Friday Fences


1) Yesterday our high school was on lockdown for a few hours because of a bomb threat. FBI even came out and searched the school and all the kids backpacks. I normally leave school at 1:30 but we all ended up having to stay till after 3 so I checked Christian out and we came home. It was a long can read more HERE

2) On my way to pick up Christian from work last night I was listening to Oprah radio on Sirius and they were talking about the new lead singer for Journey, Arnel Pineda. He was raised in a house with little money then his mom died when he was only 13 and he ended up can read the rest HERE...needless to say I was crying by the time I got to Kroger lol

3) Also on the way to pick up Christian last night, I saw a big, beautiful buck running in the grass at the elementary school. He was running back and forth under the light. He'd stop, then run a few steps the other way, then stop....hope he survives hunting season :( .....I saw this neat video the other day:

I got a deer..I wait a second

4) I'm getting a cold. My nose is stuffy and my throat hurts. I'm drinking Airborne and should be feeling better soon!

5) Tonight is the last high school football game. So far they are undefeated. Fingers crossed! It's going to be COLD out there tonight in the bleachers!

Random 5 Friday

Have a great weekend!


  1. Oh that is scary I never like to hear this.
    Arnel Pineda I have heard his story and yes it does make you cry he has an amazing voice I love it.
    I do hope your cold goes quickly back to where it came from.
    I love watching the bucks run but not from being chased:) Hug B

  2. Take care of your cold, you might try some orange juice!

  3. Love the fence shot. Such a shame we have to worry about our kids while being in school!!! Sad world we live in now!!! Take care of that cold!

  4. cool fence only enhanced with the drunken man attempting to lean against it before he falls down...... lol

    lovely post, made me smile

  5. PS, what is the world coming too that we have to search kds bags for suspect devices.... worlds gone mad.

  6. There was a bomb threat in our little town yesterday which shut down the highway exit to our town. This is getting to be a regular thing. I was getting a haircut yesterday and the person next to me had a cold. I kept leaning away from her because I just knew I would catch it.

  7. It's nice we have beautiful things to remind us that not all the world is evil.

  8. That must have been really scary.
    I like the fence and the scarecrow!

  9. Very scary stuff Tanya. I hope your team won/wins their game.. Hope your stuffy nose doesn't get too much worse.
    P.s. you see a deer crossing the road..I see cool!

  10. glad all was safe at the school. have fun at the last game!

  11. So sorry about the bomb scare! That must have been scary and nerve-wracking. I hope your cold fades away quickly and doesn't get worse. Allergies have been troubling me, but they kind of ebb and flow. Have fun at the game tonight! Our home team plays their last regular season tonight, too. They have lost only 1 game and we have hope of a state championship this year!

  12. fingers are crossed for the game! Undefeated yikes! A bomb threat that is too horrible, our world pffft! I love that fence especially its colour then its scarecrow...

  13. Woah, a bomb threat? That is so scary.

    I hope you feel better soon! I'm just now getting over a sinus thing and I've been miserable the past week!

  14. Oh good luck with your game -- would be awesome to have a perfect season. :)

  15. Keeping my fingers crossed about the game tonight. And, a bomb scare. I just don't know what to think about all these scares and killings and such going on in schools. Times certainly have changed.

  16. I love the line of that fence that makes two nice turns. And the relationship between the scarecrow and the bomb threat is also remarkable. What a post.

  17. You brought back memories for me today. We had a garden with scare crow fellows to protect our garden. However, it was not fenced in this manner.

  18. Take care! Another busy random 5 in store for next week, I'm sure. Lemon & honey in hot water for that throat :). Great shot!

  19. Hope you fend off the cold, enjoy your weekend!

  20. Get the vitamin C going! That is so scary about the bomb threat...I don't understand what this world is coming to.

  21. Oh dear, sorry to hear about the bomb threat. I like the picture.

    Feel better soon!

  22. A bomb threat...that is scary. Glad they did not find anything. Love your Friday's fence shot.

  23. Great R5 - Wow that is scary about the bomb threat. So happy no one was hurt.
    Love seeing Deer and a buck is even better.
    Football ...I miss the days when we'd all go watch the HS football games. Don't go much anymore as no one wants to go out in the cold now that we've gotten older.
    Hope you get over the cold soon.

  24. Now that I am not teaching, I do not know what is going on. This is so scary. I am so sorry you all had to live thru the experience. Good luck tonight...hope they end the year with a perfect record. genie

  25. I hope you are feeling better. Scary about the bomb threat, one of our schools was on lock down this week because a mentally challenged man was walking around with a gun.

  26. I'm sure the fence and the scarecrow are keeping the varmints out of the garden.
    Very scary about the bomb threat. I hope the boys won their game tonight. Take care of that cold.

  27. finally getting around to ya ... my cell does not pick up your google + folks ... so i am late ... i love your fence. awesome fall find. have a happy weekend. big big hugs to ya! ( :

    curious ... do you travel Salem often? we were there today. need to get back there again soon.

  28. I love the tones and textures in your photo, Tanya! I hope you are feeling better soon. Colds are not fun.

  29. Wonderful fence shot. Hope the football game went well. :)


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