
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

ABC Wednesday - C is for New Orleans Saints Training CAMP

Get some popcorn, this is a long one! Found out over the weekend the Saints training camp is near us at The Greenbrier and it just so happened Nick decided to take an impromptu vacay this week so we loaded up the truck and moved to beverly took a short roadtrip to White Sulpher Springs, WV and watched the Saints practice. The best part, autographs for the boys! Now the boys favorite player is Drew Brees (no offense to the rest of the Saints but they especially like him knowing that they are distant cousins...oh way distant, but that's pretty cool to them!) so anyway they were really hoping to get Drew's autograph but missed him on this day but got quite a few from the other players who might I add, were so nice to all the fans! So put your feet up and here we go, I'll show you some of the players signing the boys stuff. (Braden and Dalton wore their football jerseys and Christian brought a football to have signed)
*click on photos to enlarge*
#55 Keyunta Dawson

#57 David Hawthorne

#91 Kasim Edabali

#53 Ramon Humber

#4 Ryan Griffin (in this photo Christian is asking him "hey, any chance you can get Drew Brees over here to sign?" RG: "Ha, nice try"...but RG was nice enough to sign our stuff anyway!

#50 Curtis Lofton

52 Kevin Reddick

#22 Mark Ingram

7 Luke McCown

#13 Joseph Morgan

#3 Shayne Graham

Can you imagine how fun this was for the boys? They LOVE football and this was so exciting for them to get to actually interact with the players like that! Ashlyn was upset she didn't get to go and so we will make the trek again and stalk try again to get Mr. Brees' autograph ;)

Linking with ABC Wednesday


  1. So awesome for your boys! They must have been in seventh heaven!

  2. I do not know much about football, but can easily imagine how great are these guys and how fun was for the boys to talk with them!

  3. What a thrill for the boys!

  4. This is awesome!! Can anyone go to practice? Do you have to have practice tickets or something? And are they always this nice at practice, signing autographs? It won't be long now till football season!

  5. Good for the boys! It's strange to see them out of a formal football stadium setting where you can just say hello.

    Admittedly, not being a football fan, the only thing I know of the Saints is their name and their city. If I was an American, that would be sacrilege, right?

  6. i bet it was a ball for the boys - was your hubby there? i bet he had a ball too! but i think you are a sports nut as well. i think i recall that. i would be happy if they were baseball dudes. love those uniforms. wink. wink. ha. ha!! ( :

  7. What a fun thing to do for your family. It's nice to know they were all so nice to the boys too . Years ago we went and saw the Dolphins training camp; all I remember from it was the HEAT!!!!

  8. oh I bet that was very exciting for them!

  9. Delightful read and really, really great photos!

  10. Oh boy, yes I can imagine! Excellent!

  11. What a great experience! I love the photos.

    p.s. I do remember the dark choc candy with sprinkles. I never liked it either!!!

  12. That is so cool! What a great time for you all.

  13. Pretty cool getting to meet your heroes. They'll never forget this day.

  14. Who Dat? Who Dat say dey gonna beat dem Saints? When I lived in Dallas, we went down for a couple of games. I think the fan frenzy at the beginning of the games is unparallelled. Lucky boys! I can only imagine how excited they were. My son was a huge Troy Aikman fan. I once stood in a line at the mall for 6 hours to get him an autographed copy of Troy's book for son's Christmas present. He still has it. It's one of his prized possessions.

    1. ...I might add looking at Troy was a highlight of mine, too. He actually spoke to me and he wasn't talking to most. I probably reminded him of his mother. lol

  15. I can only imagine their excitement. What a fun day, and such gracious players.

  16. The Giants' training camp was in Albany for several years. Kind of cool experience, I know!

  17. I am happy to see that these guys are still "real people". I am sure fame and fortune can go to one's head quickly. But they seem to enjoy giving the autographs and talking to fans. And that's how it should be! :)

  18. Exciting day for them!
    Go Patriots!

  19. They seem so young! (Though not to your sons.)

  20. How cool and fun! I bet the boys were thrilled. I'm glad the players were nice to interact with--good impressions!


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