
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Signs, Signs & A Good Fence In Hampton

click on photo to enlarge
Taking you back to summer, back to Hampton. This place sits across from the seafood market I showed you HERE

Do you play the lottery? We very seldom do. Nick will buy a ticket here and there when the jackpot is crazy big. So far we haven't won ;)
Linking with Signs, Signs and Good Fences


  1. I buy a lotto ticket once a week Tanya, $7, that's my total output, I figure you can only win with one ticket.. unfortunately that hasn't happened yet :)

  2. That really shows how flat it is there. We buy tickets in a pool at work if it is big money. A few million isn't worth fooling with!

  3. The very 1st ticket I bought, I won $50. I've since reinvested that $50, and have never won anything more than another ticket. I should have stopped while I was ahead :) Have a lovely day.

  4. wow, that sign really looms over that house. thanks for linking in, tanya!

  5. That sign certainly does its job, very eye catching!

  6. That is quite a sign. I haven't bought a lottery ticket in a very long time. I keep saying I should.

  7. Interesting composition in your photo. The sign appears to be on top of the house at first glance and I thought it was too big for the house to hold it. :) I hope someone was a lucky winner!

  8. We have a lotto pool at work. I should quit, but that one time I do.......

  9. Cool photo! That's quite the fence to protect something! Colorful sign! At the moment, I'd probably blow all 20 million on pigs.

  10. That is a gigantic sign. Do you think they are on good commission for selling tickets?

  11. Hi Tanya! I've never bought a lottery ticket, and probably won't every buy one.
    Have a great day!

  12. I had two numbers on my Megamillions ticket yesterday. Not good enough!

    P.S. I thought the sign was on the house, too.

  13. that sign overpowers everything, House and fence and ever teh trees.

  14. Ha! Ha! You know what song is running through my head right?! Probably all day too! Great photo for good fences though.

  15. My hubby buys a lotto ticket once a week, but never won! :)) Gigantic sign!
    Thanks for stoping by my blog! Have a nice day!

  16. How neat. I love your hiking photos, too. It's starting to be hiking weather here in FL...finally! I've never played the lottery! Hugs, Diane

  17. we don't buy lottery tickets, when Florida first started the FL lottery, we bought a few, maybe 10 tickets in 1985 and that was it...

  18. You have to love a good practical fence. Good luck with the lottery!

  19. hahhaa...we never buy a ticket...I'd rather save my dollar. :)
    Good fence photo.

  20. I do, and here and there I'll win something, but I don't put much into it.

    Occasionally you see someone in line blowing a hundred bucks on various tickets. That you do have to wonder about.

  21. Only play the lottery that's life. :-)

  22. Hahaha, do not play the lottery

  23. haha! At first glance, I thought that was certainly a strange place to put a big sign. then I realized it wasn't really mounted to the roof! At least, I hope not!
    Nope, don't play the lottery. I've bought a ticket once or twice when it was extremely high, but I can't say I'm a regular player. Don't like to waste money!

  24. My husband plays the lottery. Sometimes he wins his money back. But I consider myself a winner since I don't play at all.

  25. I buy 1 ticket every week but no big win yet!

  26. With a billboard that size, I'm guessing there's a highway nearby. :) The owner of the fence apparently is protecting something worthwhile since there is barbed wire at the top.

    Thanks for stopping by to comment on my fences.


  27. I could just use a few millions...

  28. We never played the lottery, but my mom did. And she always had big dreams. Is this tiny building involved with the lottery, or is that just a random sign?

  29. We have played the state lottery for years, but we seldomly won anything. So we stopped. Nice photo!

  30. I wouldn't mind a couple of millions on my bank account but it's highly unlikely to happen: I've never ever played!

  31. The fence says "stay out" in it's own way.
    I used to play once in a while. Will probably play again and hope for the best.

  32. I like this old house. It needs a wooden fence! :-)

  33. The fence seems out of place with the white house.. And the billboard looks like it is almost sitting on top of the house.. I would love to win the lottery, we have a pool at work when the lottery is a large Jackpot.. Great shot! Enjoy your evening and the weekend ahead!

  34. I have bought lottery tickets before, but not too often. Those are some tall columns on that building!

  35. the hubby plays every once in a while. not on any routine though. ( :

  36. I am winning it one dollar at a time. I don't play that often either.

  37. Tanya,
    Nice find - may be the keep all the lottery money behind that big fence :)
    I think I will post pictures from all over the world, if I win the lottery.
    Will be easy to figure that I won, wouldn't it?
    I wish you the best to win the lottery if that's what you desire.
    And, thanks for visiting my blog.
    Peace :)

  38. We don't play the lottery too often here. Great finding this spot with the fencing.

  39. thoughts of winning the big one quite unhinge me, I must admit

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  40. I haven't won either. If I ever do I'll be so excited.

  41. Oh, very outstanding sign♫♫♫ Winning the lottery must be fun; when young right after we married, my husband did what we call 'pachinko (slingshot?)' one of the gamble. Just quit as he always loose his allowance p:-)
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  42. You are going to think this odd. I don't buy one because I am afraid of winning. I think it ruins some perfectly good lives. I know I could give it to charity...but feel it would tempt me to spend it. I by they way have won....a trip to Europe...A trip to Hawaii, a bicycle, a few mamo..the list is quite long, but you get the idea....I am very very lucky!
    That is a tall fence!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Played it ONCE! Lost a buck. "That's it... I'm done."

  45. Quite an imposing sign. Don't play the lottery, ever.
    That's a serious looking fence.

  46. I'd rather go to that seafood market than play the lottery. I love seafood - I could have it every day (but my family won't).

  47. An interesting scene, the hubs plays when the jackpot gets super high and we don't usually get any of the numbers!! I buy the birthday scratch offs and put them in birthday cards!!


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