
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Signs, Signs & A Good Fence - Rewind Blacksburg

click on photos to enlarge
I'm going back to Blacksburg's Steppin' Out Fest from ealier in the summer for some signs and fencing...This place India Garden had a tent set up and Nick has been on a curry kick so we decided to split a plate here for lunch. I can't remember what all was on here but it was all delicious and there wasn't a crumb left.
The boys however noticed Benny's (one of their favorite places) so we popped in and ordered 2 slices for them to go and while we were waiting we chatted with this table of friendly patrons:
Look at the size of that pie will ya?!
Our order is up so we take it outside:
2's practically a whole pizza!
Braden has a smiley crust face...I think Dalton is yelling at me...probably something like "Stop taking pictures of us"...yeah, probably that ;)
For more signs, visit Signs, Signs

And now for a "Good Fence"...
These friendly faces were caught hanging out at the Canine Corral brought to you by Prestige Pet Sitting ...check them out if you live around here! They LOVE animals!
Linking with Good Fences :)

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.”
― Anatole France


  1. The pizza is huge! Just the right size for a family. But I WANT that round yellow table!! I would put it in the back of the car and they would never see me again.

  2. The pizza looks yummy! I love the shot of the boys eating! Cute doggies? Great shots, enjoy your day!

  3. I used to have a petsitting business...gotta' love a pet fence!

  4. I've never seen a pizza as huge as that one! I've seen that face in front of my camera on many occasions.

  5. The boys certainly do look like they love their pizza!

  6. What huge pizza! May I have a slice? :)) The boys are beautiful!

  7. That sure is a whole lot of pizza.

  8. Canine Corral...I like the name of that!!
    And that gigantic pizza....that would be a month's worth of meals for Bud and me.

    Eating pizza outdoors looks like a fun time.

  9. The boys obviously have good appetites .. lol!

  10. I want to visit Blacksburg. All three of my nieces are Hokies.

  11. WOW! That sure is one hefty slice!

  12. i'd be all over those pooches. :) and those slices! holy smokes!

  13. Great series of pictures. Your family is very cute!

  14. I'm amazed by the size of that pizza on the table! Wow, enough for the whole troop. Yes, I like Indian food as well.

  15. Wow, look at the pizza's size and the color matches with that round yellow table; loved seeing boys sweet face. Oh, how I wish to have a dog :-)

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  16. I love the puppy faces! They may need some help eating that gigantic pizza.

  17. Looks like a great summer festival..What could be better than good food and cute dogs?

  18. Cute hounds!

    I would definitely go for something from Benny's!

  19. Thanks for your comment and I see what you mean when you say your boys and Daniel could be brothers. The boys, like Daniel and his sister love PIzza! Great sfence adn wondeerful that someone looks after the dogs

  20. The festival sounds fun. I would like to try some of that Indian food. I love curry myself (hubby doesn't though) so we don't eat it much. My gosh that Pizza was HUGE and so were those 2 slices. Cute dogs with the fence. I'm guessing it's a Dog Park.

  21. Good Morning, Tanya. I would have loved being with you all at that festival! The food looks amazing and I do love curry! Maybe one of these days.

  22. Fun fun fun! Yep, I know how kids don't like pictures grandson will make a weird face usually! :-) That pizza is enormous!

  23. What a fun time that looked. My son never liked his picture either but he likes to look at them now he is 35 :) Cute pups!

  24. That pizza looks the boys enjoyed it from the looks of your photos.

    Great idea to sit pets!

  25. I'll skip India and will gladly take on the huge pizza|

  26. I LOVE Indian food, but that pizza doesn't look too shabby either. I love the pictures of the boys with the pie. Always nice to know that there are animal lovers around. Love that quote. So true!

  27. Note to self: Don't visit posts about food fairs just before lunchtime! I am drooling!!! And love the doggy day care -- four-footed and two-footed photo subjects all look absolutely happy!!!

  28. The Indian food looks delicious. I haven't found a good Indian restaurant since I left California.
    Looks like you had some chicken tikka, chicken tikka masala,channa, naan, rice, aloo gobi and something else. My mouth is watering now. :-)

  29. now i want a piece of pizza. that looks great!! & huge too!! ( :

  30. That is a New York size [pizza] pie!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    =^..^= . <3 . >< } } (°>

  31. Great Dog fence and that pizza looked yummy!

  32. Wow....that is a Huge pizza! Looks like lots of fun and the fence is just perfect for the dogs.... Thanks for visiting me today....Hope to see you again....

  33. The pizza looks amazing! I love the area that you live in….so much to do!

  34. That is some pizza...great photos

  35. Thank you very much Tanya, the food is very rich !.

  36. Fun pics! I would love to go to that India Garden Restaurant.

  37. oh my, i don't believe i have ever seen pizza slices that big!!

    looks like fun!!!

  38. That pizza looks good. That other plate of food looks good too. Colorful.

  39. The Indian food looks SO GOOD! I love Indian food - if it's not too spicy.

  40. Visiting You gives me a Happy Heart!


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