
Friday, October 10, 2014

Willy Nilly Friday 5 No. 15 - Waiting In Line At The Milk Parlor

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123 all eyes on me!
These little ladies were patiently waiting in line
This is the milk parlor at Homestead Creamery. Big excitement going on here! They were giving tours but we had a good view from right here, and besides, the line was super know the hubs and lines, he doesn't wait around long for anything...remember the donut line? Yeah, told ya so!
Look how much these girls love me, they can't take their eyes off me! They like having their pictures taken, I could tell :)

Homestead Creamery is located @ 7254 Booker T Washington Hwy . Wirtz . VA
Check out their website HERE

Now for some Willy-Nilly's:

1) Have you heard about the school in Nebraska that has been told to start addressing their students as "Purple Penguins" instead of "Boys" and "Girls" to be "gender sensitive"...It's official, the US has gone about it HERE

2) Tried a new crock pot recipe yesterday. It was so good. I was surprised really because it didn't require a lot of seasonings but it really packed some flavor! If you would like to try it out, here ya go! Pork Chops & Gravy

3) Homecoming is this weekend. Christian is taking his girlfriend Alyssa. In case you've forgotten what they look like, you can see them heading to the Prom a few months back RIGHT HERE

4) Jimmy Fallon had Carol Burnett on his show the other night. I loved her show when I was a kid. She looks amazing and still just as funny! Here's a skit she did with Fallon

5) And last but not least, I leave you with some major cuteness...pandas on a slide:

Well that's mine for this Friday, now I want to see yours! Post 5 randoms, link back to me and add your link, visit others! Have a great weekend :)


  1. Oh, how I love the panda Carol Burnett, too. The crockpot recipe sounds delicious...and the photo you linked to of your son and girlfriend...I like it too!

  2. The pandas were so CUTE!!! We watched a special about them on Nat Geo Wild tonight. So, I have had panda overload, and it's wonderful! :-) The Carol Burnet clip was very funny....just love her! Those cows are really enjoying posing for you, aren't they? Loved your Willy Nilly Fri 5, but I have to agree....#1 proves that YES we have all lost our minds!!!!!!

  3. Loving the pandas. The cows are cute too with their big yellow earrings.

  4. Such a herd of patient girls. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  5. All penned up with no place to go. Might as well watch the lady with the camera. :-)

  6. Lovely portraits, but you made my day with the Purple Penguins...

  7. i love using my crock pot - i was in a real habit not long ago ...but lately i started that again. using it to cook my pot roast ... so delicious. i will have to check out this recipe. always a fan. so easy ... a little of this & that & BAM you have a great meal all prepared.

    i love Jim Fallon ... he really is talented. have you watched the ones with Justin Timberlake? he is beyond hilarious!!

    have a great weekend. sounds like it will be a rainy one though. ( :

  8. I think I am going to have to try that pork chop recipe. Sounds yummy. And, yes, I agree, this country has gone NUTS.

  9. Oh LOVE LOVE the cows:):)
    That pork chop recipe sounds delicious. Carol Burnett still makes me laugh. Hug B

  10. I read about the purple penguins issue, and I swear I said the same thing..this world has gone wackadoodlles.

  11. The people might have been excited, but those cows look a little bored to me!

  12. From Pandas to Purple Penguins . . I couldn't be more lifted and happy to face whatever this day comes after visiting your blog this morning . . . thank you so very much!

  13. Purple penguins?! Have a great weekend!

  14. fallon and burnett were too cute. thanks! :)

  15. Tanya, what a fun post. I watched all of the Fallon/Burnett video, and it reminded me of Tim Conway, although no one will ever be able to take Tim's place with her. She is a funny lady, and she looks terrific! Love those big brown, sad eyes of the cows.

  16. Pandas on a slide... that's too adorable!

    The cows seem curious about you.

  17. I lost my first comment and I'll try again. I was saying that I always loved watching Carol Burnett and that the pandas are just adorable! And, Purple Penguins??? Are you kidding me??? Have people lost their minds??
    Have a nice weekend!

  18. Tanya, my link isn't taking me to my blog. I don't know what happened. Can you fix this? Thanks!

  19. You couldn't have gotten better pictures if you had been in line. They look so soulful with their wide sad eyes. I used to watch Carol! Ever since, there has never been another show with her format. Remember "Questions" at the start of the show?

  20. I've always loved Carol Burnett...AND Jimmy Fallon. What a great combination.

    And yes....USA is definitely on the verge of wackado.

  21. LOL! They look like they were hoping for a treat!

  22. Really impressive organization in this farm, beautiful photos!

  23. Is it my imagination, or do those cows look a tad apprehensive?

  24. I'm totally with your hub :) on the lining up thing, there's not much I'd consider waiting in a queue for! Purple penguins... seriously, that's just insane :) Don't the parents have any say on policy?

  25. Fallon's a nut, plain and simple. Funny guy.


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