
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Ozzy & Riley

click on photos to enlarge
Riley who is a little mischievous...notice he has gotten something from the trash!

Today I am thankful for Ozzy and Riley...Ozzy our sweet Rottweiler will be 6 in February and I just love him to pieces...Riley is Ashlyn's little pooch and Ash and Ri came to live with us after she graduated from the way, she's still looking for her "big girl job" anyone looking for a smart girl with a political science major? Anyways...Ozzy and Riley get along great, they are good friends!

Linking with Michelle's Thankful Thursday

“Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.”
― Mark Twain


  1. I LOVE this quote! I think I will use it on my blog at some point. Riley is adorable! And your photo of Ozzy is perfect! It looks like he is looking at the trash can and licking his lips! Maybe Riley will bring him something.

  2. I am also thankful for our dogs. They have provided much companionship through the years!!!

  3. Hello, your dogs are cuties. I miss my Goldie Girl! Great quote!
    Enjoy your day and the weekend ahead! I wish you all the best in 2017, Happy New Years!

  4. I love that Twain quote! They're both cuties!

  5. Such a great quote! My daughter and her family moved back to Texas this past summer... I will miss my visits to Roanoke (not the distance of the trip, though)! Love all your area and am so happy I can still see glimpses of VA life through your lens, Tanya! blessings and hugs ~ tanna

  6. Love the quote! Riley and Ozzie are looking great- happy pups, I can tell.

  7. Having good dogs around is a real blessing, isn't it?

  8. I've never heard that quote interesting! And of course your dogs are very sweet! They look like they are ready for you to put the camera down and play!

  9. Oh Ozzy! I have a new little sister. They can be a real PAIN!!


  10. The dogs are so cute and I love that they're friends. ;)
    Best of luck getting that big girl job Ashlyn!!! Happy New year!


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