
Thursday, October 26, 2017


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Roanoke Go Outside Festival

I LOVE when I find these LOVE signs! :)

Today I am thankful for my daughter and our friendship! Last Friday night she came to watch the boys' football game with me and we just have the best time together. I was telling Nick that I really enjoy her company and would still love to hang out with her even if she wasn't my daughter!

Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday & Signs, Signs


  1. There is not much better than mother/daughter bonding! You are so blessed. We have seen maybe three of these signs, and I always try to take a picture. There needs to be more! Because you can't have too much love.

  2. We need MORE LOVE in the world. Love this picture. And yes, isn't it great when you raise someone that you truly enjoy? I love anytime I get to hang out with my girlies. XO

  3. glad to hear this. I feel the same about my daughter and I hope our relationship continues! Thanks for linking up today!

  4. Sweet to have that time with your daughter! I love it when I can with mine. As for the photos...well, Virginia IS for lovers, after all! :-)


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