
Thursday, December 28, 2017

House In The Woods

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Blue Ridge . Botetourt County

Today I am thankful for good books! Last night I laid on the couch and read for a couple of hours...something I don't do enough of...I started this book, Daisy Fay & The Miracle Man by Fannie Flagg about a year ago but it kind of got lost and I just found it's a fun little read and makes me laugh! What are you reading?

Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday


  1. Hello, I like books that make me laugh. Reading on a cold day is relaxing. I wish you and yours all the best in 2018, happy New Year!

  2. ...cuddle up with a good book!

  3. I read that years ago. It's a cute read. I just finished One Plus One. It was very good.

  4. Cute little house, it could be the perfect place to read a good book.

  5. Ahhh - cute little house! I'm with you - enjoying some reading time. Right now, I'm reading the English Wife - enjoying it so far!

  6. Pretty scene!
    I like cozy mysteries, but I read a lot of other stuff, too. Our book club chose 'Skipping Christmas' by John Grisham to read in December - it was fun!
    I am about halfway through 'Column of Fire' by Ken Follett. It is very intense book, but interesting.
    Best Wishes for the New Year!

  7. I love this pretty blue house in the woods, but I bet they have a lot of spiders! When I was younger, I read a book a day for years! Now, not so much. Blogging takes up so much time, plus church work. I do think the last one I read, a couple months ago, was The Max Lucado Reader.

  8. Reading is important! I really like this little blue house and the big woods!

  9. I read that book and liked it too. I did a post on books today and listed some of my favorites! Happy reading!

  10. A lovely view!

    I'm reading U.S. Grant's memoirs, a new edition. It's been years since I last read it. He has a very good writing style.

  11. I don't read near as much as I used to...I do love Fannie Flagg books though.

    Right now I am reading one Man and Horse: The Long Ride Across America.

  12. A sweet photo. I too am thankful for books! I read a LOT! :-) Three days ago I spent an entire day reading through one book, a true crime book that carried you along to the end. I rarely read true crime anymore, but this one was so good, and I just lay around all day reading it.


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