Mabry Mill, Floyd County
Linking with Friday Fences
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Rural Thursday Blog Hop #44
Nick getting a lesson in Moonshine 101 from Mr. Williams of Franklin County, Va. Photo taken at Mabry Mill, Floyd County, July 2011.
Last night we watched the movie Lawless. It was really good! For those of you unfamiliar with it, it is based on the book The Wettest County In The World telling a story about moonshine and the Bondurant family in Franklin County, Va.
After watching the movie, I remembered our trip over to Mabry Mill last year. It was there that we met Mr. Williams, who I introduced to you on this post. I thought I remembered his name as Franklin Delano Williams but I might have gotten confused with the other Franklin Delano and just thought that was his name. I do know it was Delano Williams though, that's for sure. Anyways, I wanted to learn more about the nice man we met so I tried a few google searches to see if any stories popped up that had been written about his experiences. I did find this interesting story on moonshine in Franklin County called Still Cookin' that was written in 1997. It mentions a Charles Delano Williams, a 63 year old moonshiner that had had some troubles with the law. That certainly sounds like my Mr. Williams so maybe his name is Charles. If anyone knows, I would love for you to clear it up for me, please! I guess it's because of my love of genealogy that I have to go about and set things right! It's kind of an obsession for me!
I did order the book, The Wettest County In The World so I'm excited to read that when it gets here.
One thing I find strange though about the movie is that most of it was filmed in Georgia and I don't understand why they wouldn't film it in Franklin County? Hmmm, kind of seems that they should have doesn't it? I wonder how the residents of Franklin feel about that.
Another neat thing that I want to share with you today is that I just learned that GE filmed a national commercial right here in my county, Botetourt! It was filmed in a teeny, tiny community called Nace. You can view the commercial below :)
Oh, and just one more thing! I found this great group of paintings while I was at Black Dog Salvage the other day. Some of you know Gill over at Sunny Brook Farm and if you don't know, go check his blog out, you'll love it. But as I was saying, he mentioned that he has some paintings displayed there and so I was on the lookout for them when this painting of the truck drew me over and low and behold, the artist is none other than our Gill! Love his artwork and the colors he uses! This Saturday coming up, Black Dog Salvage is holding a Christmas Party and Mr. Gill will be doing a painting demonstration. If you live nearby, you should definitely attend. I am going to try to make it!
And I almost forgot...I got a message about a new blog called Roanoke Music Scene. There you can find all sorts of information on Roanoke's music, past and present. It's really a cool blog! Besides linking it here for you, I have added it into my sidebar under "Virginia Blogs"....
I guess that's about all I have to report for now! Linking up with Nancy and Lisa with Rural Thursday! It's a blog hop so hop over!

sad news...Rural Thursday is no more :(
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Black & White Wednesday
The boys having some fun with the twirly door at 16 West Marketplace
After tooling around Black Dog Salvage on Saturday we were hungry for lunch so we headed downtown to Texas Tavern for a couple of burgers. There weren't any seats available when we got there, since they only seat 10 people at a time, so we decided to wait a bit and walk up to 16 West Marketplace and check it out. I blogged about this place before back in the summer and since then had wanted to see what their "European flair" grocery store was about. Well, it wasn't all that impressive but I'm not judging since it is brand new and hopefully once they get more vendors will become a cool place to come shop at. So far I didn't notice anything different that I can't already buy at Kroger. I will say though that the people were all very friendly and I've got my fingers crossed for this place to make it! By the time we were done looking around, we had killed enough time for a few seats to open up at the tavern so we enjoyed our burgers and a bowl of yummy chili and got a bag of burgers to bring home to Christian. He was a happy camper!
After tooling around Black Dog Salvage on Saturday we were hungry for lunch so we headed downtown to Texas Tavern for a couple of burgers. There weren't any seats available when we got there, since they only seat 10 people at a time, so we decided to wait a bit and walk up to 16 West Marketplace and check it out. I blogged about this place before back in the summer and since then had wanted to see what their "European flair" grocery store was about. Well, it wasn't all that impressive but I'm not judging since it is brand new and hopefully once they get more vendors will become a cool place to come shop at. So far I didn't notice anything different that I can't already buy at Kroger. I will say though that the people were all very friendly and I've got my fingers crossed for this place to make it! By the time we were done looking around, we had killed enough time for a few seats to open up at the tavern so we enjoyed our burgers and a bowl of yummy chili and got a bag of burgers to bring home to Christian. He was a happy camper!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Barn Charm Tuesday
Took this shot yesterday while out. This barn is on Shaver's Farm Road in Fincastle. I've shown this one to you right here in the spring time from a different angle.
Linking with Barn Charm :)

Monday, November 26, 2012
Black Dog Salvage
Saturday we went over to Black Dog Salvage in Roanoke. I first heard about it from Sunnybrook Farm and have been anxious to get there. They have a show on the DIY channel that is pretty good too. The boys recognized this lion from the show and chased Sally the dog around till she sat with them for a picture :)
You could spend a whole day in that shop and still not see everything. It's really a pretty cool place!
I'm a little annoyed with the weather. I want some snow! Yesterday I was following the weather and we are supposed to get rain tonight and tomorrow and there was a 70% chance of snow (no accumulation but still, snow) and now they've taken that out of the forecast and just calling for rain....pshhh
Friday, November 23, 2012
Friday Fences
White Hall Tavern, Harper's Ferry, WV
Inscription on historical marker :
Located directly across from the U.S. Armory, the White Hall Tavern was an 1850's community gathering place, where white males debated politics; discussed local events; and protested armory management, wages and layoffs. The tavern's close proximity easily tempted armory workers to raise a glass, or two... or three, before and during work. As a result, Armory officials took a stand that public houses, such as White Hall Tavern, ruined morals, work ethics, and even threatened armory production. Crowded building conditions posed another threat - fire. In 1856 the U.S. Government purchased and removed the front section of the building. They subsequently widened the street, creating the needed safety buffer around the Armory.
Linking with Friday Fences ....yes, there's 2 fence pieces, one to the left, one to the right ;)
Anyone go out and do Black Friday shopping? Not me! I didn't see anything that I had to get. I prefer to do it online anyway and stay in my warm house in the wee hours of the morning!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving last year...I'll introduce you starting at the head of the table, going clockwise. Nick (my husband) Braden (one of my 10 year old twins) my brother Jerry who passed away last month, Dalton (my other twin) Ashlyn (my oldest) and Christian who is bigger than Ashlyn but 3 years younger :)
We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Black & White Watery Wednesday
A view of the Potomac River from George Washington's back porch @ Mount Vernon.
Today I've got some tidying up around the house to do and I'll get some cooking done for tomorrow. Things like the cornbread dressing, pies (apple and pumpkin), and mashed potatoes so then I can just heat those up tomorrow. I'll only have the turkey left to cook tomorrow and the green bean casserole and sweet potato casserole which i don't think those hold up well enough to sit in the fridge. I can also get the relish tray together today to save time. No matter how much I prepare, seems like I'm up till midnight cooking the night before, then up bright and early to get the turkey in the oven!
Safe travels if you are out on the road!
Linking up with Tricia's new Watery Wednesday II so go check it out!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Barn Charm Tuesday
Troutville, Botetourt County
Are you cooking or traveling for Thanksgiving? I'm cooking. I've been cooking our Thanksgiving meal for years now. Last Thanksgiving my mother was in the hospital and my brother, his daughter and grand daughter came and ate with us then took my mom a plate. We knew that it was likely she wouldn't be around for another Thanksgiving. We had no idea that my brother also wouldn't be around. 2 people will be missing this year. That's quite a lot for a small table.
Remember last week when I told you about that car accident and 2 teenagers were killed? Well Sunday another teen was killed in a car accident and she as well went to the same school as the 2 from last week. She swerved to avoid hitting a deer and ran off the road. This little rural high school and community has been through so much. Please keep them and the families involved in your prayers this Thanksgiving.
To see barns from all over the world, visit Barn Charm

Are you cooking or traveling for Thanksgiving? I'm cooking. I've been cooking our Thanksgiving meal for years now. Last Thanksgiving my mother was in the hospital and my brother, his daughter and grand daughter came and ate with us then took my mom a plate. We knew that it was likely she wouldn't be around for another Thanksgiving. We had no idea that my brother also wouldn't be around. 2 people will be missing this year. That's quite a lot for a small table.
Remember last week when I told you about that car accident and 2 teenagers were killed? Well Sunday another teen was killed in a car accident and she as well went to the same school as the 2 from last week. She swerved to avoid hitting a deer and ran off the road. This little rural high school and community has been through so much. Please keep them and the families involved in your prayers this Thanksgiving.
To see barns from all over the world, visit Barn Charm

Monday, November 19, 2012
Sunday Best on Monday #12
This is President Lincoln's box at Ford's Theatre. To the right of the box is the door where Booth entered Lincoln's box and shot him. Booth then jumped from the box onto the stage before escaping. President Lincoln was carried across the street to the Petersen House where he died the next morning.

Friday, November 16, 2012
Friday Fences
George Washington's Mount Vernon. The view from the back of the house looking out onto the Potomac River. We were there about a year ago, on a VERY cold day!
Linking up with Friday Fences
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Rural Thursday Blog Hop #43
Ashlyn's car is needing some service so I am playing taxi mom. She got called in to work last night so I had to pick her up at 11:00 pm then we were up with the chickens this morning to get her back to work by 6:45 am.
Yesterday morning, the next county over suffered a tragic loss. 2 teens were killed in a car accident on their way to school. From what I've read, the stretch of road where they were killed has claimed many lives and people have been trying in vain to get VDot to do something about it. Hopefully now their voices will be heard.
Here's a group of teens that are speaking out and getting something done Local teen group tries to increase driver awareness.
Ashlyn was just heartbroken last night. She had spoken to several family members and friends of the teens killed and hurt that were coming into the hospital. Such a sorrowful time for the family and friends of those involved.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Black & White Wednesday
Some controversial graffiti along the Roanoke River.
Life aint always beautiful
Sometimes it's just plain hard
Life can knock you down, it can break your heart
Life aint always beautiful
You think you're on your way
And it's just a dead end road at the end of the day
But the struggles make you stronger
And the changes make you wise
And happiness has its own way of takin it's sweet time
No, life aint always beautiful
Tears will fall sometimes
Life aint always beautiful
But it's a beautiful ride
Gary Allan
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Barn Charm Tuesday
A barn or a shed? This is out at the Apple Barn in Troutville.
It rained all night last night. Don't you just love sleeping to the sound of rain? I know I do! Today is only supposed to be in the 40's. After a few days of about 70, this will seem like freezing!
Now go visit Barn Charm where you can view barns from all over the world!
Monday, November 12, 2012
Sunday Best on Monday #11
Looking down the Roanoke River. That's Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital in the distance. Ashlyn is working there now, in the ER, admitting patients. She's working full time, plus full time in school. Not sure how she's doing it, but she's young! Next semester might be a little easier for her I'm hoping!

Friday, November 9, 2012
Friday Fences
Paint Bank, Va
Still round the corner there may wait, a new road or a secret gate.
J. R. R. Tolkien
Linking with Friday Fences
Still round the corner there may wait, a new road or a secret gate.
J. R. R. Tolkien
Linking with Friday Fences
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Rural Thursday Blog Hop #42
I told you we ate at the Swinging Bridge Restaurant. Nick and I had their fried chicken and the boys had chicken nuggets. The food was good, the service, meh. The boy's meal showed up in a timely fashion, ours however took over 40 minutes. The boys had finished their meals long before ours arrived.
While waiting on your meal, hopefully your wait won't be as long as ours was, but anyway, you can venture upstairs and cross the swinging bridge. They have all sorts of neat goodies for sale up there too, and lots of stuffed animals in precarious situations hiding among the merchandise.
I read somewhere that Zac Brown of the Zac Brown Band stopped at the Swinging Bridge for lunch not too long back. I didn't happen to see him while we were there ;)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Black & White Wednesday
An old gas station in Paint Bank. It was then used as the post office but from what I've read, that closed about a year ago. I believe it just sits vacant now.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Barn Charm Tuesday
A buffalo barn at Hollow Hill Farm in Paint Bank.
They serve buffalo burgers at the Swinging Bridge Restaurant just down the road. The buffalo come from this farm. The restaurant really tries to push the buffalo on you, but we opted for fried chicken instead. I don't think I've ever eaten buffalo and as someone else mentioned from Friday's post, I too have a hard time eating something that was nearly extinct. Although buffalo have made a big come-back from near extinction, I still think their numbers are quite low. I read that there are about 250,000 in private and public herds in the US and Canada, which keeps them off the endangered list but still those numbers seem quite small to me!
Check out Barn Charm to view barns from all over the world!
Happy election day!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Sunday Best on Monday #10
Paint Bank General Store built in the 1930's.
It's so nice to have it light out when I get up now and the boys won't have to catch the bus in the pitch black!

Friday, November 2, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
November Theme Day - Water's Edge
Can you believe it's already November? I can't! This photo is of Tingler's Mill in Paint Bank (Craig County). The mill was built in 1863 and sits on a piece of property that was previously owned by Colonel William Preston, the same William Preston who once owned a plantation at Greenfield. Most of you already know that Greenfield is one of my favorite local spots and if not you can see why it is in my posts HERE!
You can see other entries for the theme by visiting Theme Day at City Daily Photo.
It's also Thursday, which means it's time for Rural Thursday!

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