Fincastle, Va
This old 1930's era Oldsmobile Dealership now houses the artwork of Ed Bordett. While walking by on a Sunday afternoon, I looked in the window of his shop and fell in love with his artwork! And what a cool studio, an old dealership?! Love it!
Linking up for the first time with Signs, Signs!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Watery Wednesday II - Country Club Road
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Barn Charm Tuesday - Valley Road
Valley Road, Troutville
Yeah, this is from the summer, don't judge me!
Would have been nice if they had parked an old rusty farm truck back there instead of a boring old suv...let's file a complaint ;)
Barn Charm Tuesday is going on, check it!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Macro Monday - Godwin Cemetery
These little berries and rusty barbed wire caught my eye while walking along the pathway of Godwin Cemetery in Fincastle on an unseasonably warm winter day. A beautiful place for a walk. This cemetery sits right alongside of the Methodist Church in yesterday's post.
I should grab a few names for Find A Grave the next time I go. That's the genealogist in me :)
Got freezing rain last night and schools were delayed 2 hours when I went to bed. Just got a call that they are closed. Worked out to be a nice 4 day weekend! It's pretty icy out. The buses would be out on the roads right now so good call.
Linking with Macro Monday
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Weekly Top Shot - Fincastle United Methodist Church
"Our church has a rich heritage beginning with the organization of the congregation in 1790 by Francis Asbury, "the prophet of the long road", who was also responsible for drawing the plans for the first Fincastle Methodist Church in 1802. The original building, very similar to the present structure, was erected shortly after the land was purchased from Patrick Lockhart and his wife for 12 pounds on July 12, 1803. The deed is recorded at the courthouse in Fincastle. The original building was eventually condemned, torn down with the aid of oxen teams, and replaced by the present structure in 1840 following a great revival conducted by William Craft. Several features of the church building remind us daily of our heritage. The balcony gallery was built for slaves and servants and was entered by a separate door. The church pews are divided in the center, reminiscent of a time when men and women were prohibited from sitting side by side to avoid distractions. The four chairs behind the pulpit were crafted in Fincastle by David Spangler, and the two black chairs were kept on each side of the "Amen Corner" (to the right of the minister) and were used by the oldest couple in the church. The bell in the belfry, still in use, was cast by the Hadley Company in 1811. The original chandelier was broken when the church ceiling fell in 1941, and was replaced in 1973 by the present chandelier obtained from a small Methodist Church near Blacksburg, VA. The bracket light at the back of the church is original, and the side lights were copied from the original and installed in 1974. The education wing was added in 1954. The two doors at the front of the sanctuary were originally windows. Prior to the addition, classes were held in different sections of the sanctuary and the basement. In 1991, the church acquired the property across the street, known as the "Hedrick House" from the longtime residents who were faithful members of the church. By the late 1990's the church realized the need for greater diversity in its facility so it undertook a study for a multi-functional building to be constructed on the site of the old Hedrick House. The results along with a capitol outlay funding program is the Family Life Center completed in 2002. This facility includes a fellowship hall/gym, church offices, Conference Room, Sunday School classrooms and Prayer Room. This has added a new dimension to the church's Christ centered mission. The Fincastle United Methodist Church is blessed to be in its third century of ministry. From the circuit riders to the cyber surfers, however, our mission remains the same."
You can visit UMC HERE
The snow we received on Friday is almost gone. We got a couple of inches. It was so powdery that the boys didn't even go out and play in it. It was pretty though! Tonight's weather is calling for freezing rain/sleet. Those boys may end up with a delay in the morning lol. Then expecting to warm back up into the 60's on Tuesday. So ready for that!
My social media button dilemma was easily solved. I didn't get those cute bottle top ones because they were older and didn't include Pinterest, which I love and had to have. But I did find this site Nifty Buttons which was easy peasy to use. You just pick the buttons you want and enter your url's and Nifty Buttons figures out the code then you just copy/paste into your blog. That's the way I like to do things, EASY!
Linking up with Madge and Weekly Top Shot. I'm a day early. Usually don't blog on Sunday but I've been up for a couple of hours with nothing to do!

Friday, January 25, 2013
Friday Fences & SWF - Blacksurg Road
Buckle up, we're going for a ride down Blacksburg Road in Fincastle. I travel this road quite a bit going to the boys baseball, football and basketball games. It's a nice, picturesque little drive.
As I sit here on Thursday afternoon getting this post ready to run Friday, it's cold and windy. VERY cold! I just took Ozzy outside and noticed a big branch had broke off a tree and landed in his yard.
Waiting on this snow they say we are probably going to get on Friday. They are saying 2-4 inches starting around 1:00 in the afternoon. Not good news for those of us trying to get a snow day out of this lol...the timing is everything!
I suppose we should head outside and gather up a bunch of kindling for the fire before it's all under snow.
Have a great weekend!
Linking with Friday Fences and SkyWatch Friday
Also, wanted to share with you this important notice about Beneful Dog Food. If you feed this to your dog(s) stop now:
"Purina's Beneful dog food killing dogs nationwide; No recall issued by FDA"
Read the full article HERE
And now a plea for help from one of you awesome computer guru types. I want to get the cute social media buttons like these
to put in my sidebar. Nancy at Rural Journal told me how once and I didn't do it and forget how. So pretty please? With sugar on top?! :)
*Weather Update* We ended up getting a snow day today from this upcoming winter weather. I was shocked. Our county closed the schools by 10PM last night. Usually they hold out to the morning. The kids were excited to know they could sleep in today! No snow so far.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
The Old House On Pioneer Road
This is the old abandoned farm house I was telling you about. See the 2 vultures up on the roof? A little spooky right?
I am not sure if this is considered Blue Ridge or Roanoke. Not too far across the main road, 460, is the Blue Ridge Library.
This is the end of Pioneer Road. Not much on Pioneer. It's a short gravel road that runs between the creek and a big empty field. On the other side of the creek are train tracks. I had to stop for the train while I was out driving. Also on the other side of the creek is a beautiful old antebellum style home. I imagine that back in the day, when this house was well cared for, they were probably the only 2 in the area.
I didn't venture past the old house, or even into its front yard. I felt a little safer in the open field where I could make a run for it if I had to :) BUT I didn't see any "no trespassing" signs!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Watery Wednesday II - Glade Creek
I'm going to go out on a limb here and call this "Glade Creek" since that is the name of the road I turned on. The gravel road to the right is Pioneer Road. At the end of Pioneer sits the old abandoned house I told you about yesterday.
And what's this? More snow in our forecast? The boys have a test scheduled for Friday but their teacher said they might take it on Thursday because Friday might be a snow day if it plays out like the weatherman is saying. We'll see :)
Linking with Watery Wednesday and remember it doesn't go live until Wednesday evening if your hoping to check out more watery pics!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Barn Charm Tuesday - Blue Ridge
On Monday the kids were out of school for MLK day. Christian's buddy called and wanted to get a few guys together for a basketball game so I drove Christian over to the school where they were all meeting to play. I told Christian that if any kids were up to no good and started causing trouble in the neighborhood to call me and I'll come get him because I didn't want to send him to his auntie and uncle in Bel Air. I got a "real funny mom" from him lol....
So anyways, after dropping him off, Braden, Dalton and I went in search of a barn. Braden "AGAIN?" ha, yes again, tomorrow's Tuesday, drove around and nothing was working in my favor, the sun was in my eyes coming up from behind every barn I'd see. For some reason there weren't any barns on the un-sunny side of the road. And when I'd find a barn and try to focus, cars were coming up out of nowhere. Gosh, don't these people have jobs to be at?!
I did get a bit brave at one point. Took a little gravel road that was called "Pioneer Road". It was a short road and I could see the end, which had a super neat old abandoned house. I drove down it and parked and walked across a small field. The boys wouldn't come with me. I didn't want to get too close to it because although it looked abandoned, I didn't want to get shot or something in case it wasn't. I didn't bring my bigger camera with me and only had my small point and shoot. I was really wishing I had brought my new cam because there were these 2 cool, spooky vultures sitting up on the roof. It was hard for me to focus with my little cam and was windy as heck. But I would love to get closer to that place and check it out. Before spring, before snakes! I'll have to make Nick take me there so I'm not so chicken :) I'll share a pic from there though this week...I know, you can't wait can you?! :D
Today is supposed to be FRIGID. The high is only in the 20's. I told the boys and Braden says "And they are making us go to school?" I know right?! Can we get a cold day?
I'm a Barn Charm linker!
Monday, January 21, 2013
The Old Blacksmith Shop
Peeking inside the the window of the Wysong Blacksmith Shop, circa 1840, Fincastle.
For a more in-depth history on the blacksmith shop, visit Botetourt History.
I want to share with you the BEST chicken salad recipe in the world! Yes, Hotel Roanoke got back to me with their recipe!
Conner’s Chicken Salad
1 pound chicken, grilled or roasted
2 oz. onion, fine diced
2 oz. celery, fine diced
3 oz. mayonnaise
1 Tbsp. honey
1 lemon, zest and juice
A dash or Sriracha, or your favorite hot sauce
Salt and pepper to taste
Almost all of our snow has melted leaving a big muddy mess in its place. Yuck!

Friday, January 18, 2013
Friday Fences & SWF - The Morning After
This is my backyard this morning. After all is said and done, we probably ended up with about 7 inches of the white stuff. The roads were a mess. People were stuck in ditches left and right. It took Nick 2 hours to get home from work, which is normally a half hour drive. The worst part was when he went to Kroger, a tractor trailer tried to pull in and got stuck and had traffic backed up in every direction. He couldn't get out. Was stuck there for about an hour and only 15 minutes from home. Trees were down because the ground was so saturated from the couple of days of rain we had before the snow. Lots of people were without power. Our lights were flickering a lot. Got the candles out and ready to go but luckily it stayed on. Most have their power restored by now.
Poor Ashlyn...she had classes yesterday starting at 9:30 AM till 3 then work from 4-midnight. She made it to work just as the storm was hitting. They decided to keep her overnight rather than have the next shift come in since the roads were so dangerous. She ended up having to work till 7 this morning. She made it home safely and is now tucked into bed and I probably won't see her until she leaves for work tomorrow. I'm happy she has nowhere she needs to be today so she can get a little bit caught up on some much needed rest.
The boys are all up and already outside playing, sledding and building snow forts. School was already scheduled out for Thursday, Friday and Monday so they are out of school anyway, no snow day...kind of a jip! I've got a crock pot of hot chocolate for them when they come back inside and they've asked for pancakes for breakfast. Sounds like a good morning doesn't it?!
If you want to read about our little snow storm, you can read it HERE in our local paper.
Today is a sunny 37 degree day and then into the 40's for the weekend so I don't imagine the snow will stick around long.
Christian is supposed to have a track meet today in Lynchburg at Liberty University. Waiting to hear if it's cancelled. The track is indoors but schools from all over, including North Carolina and Tennessee come to compete so I don't know how bad the roads will be for them to get here.
Well, I think I've caught you up to date lol...linking with Friday Fences and SkyWatch Friday
I was just reminded of another fun blog hop! My pal Dru over at one of my favorite blogs, Country Farm Home is the co-host of Country Whites Weekend which is held the 3rd weekend of every month. This is my first entry. Go check it out!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Red Hill
This is at Patrick Henry's Red Hill . I've blogged about it HERE before.
We are expecting quite the snow storm this afternoon which may leave us with about 8" of snow. Right now it is just raining.
Here's the latest warning from Weather.Gov
Winter Storm Warning
407 AM EST THU JAN 17 2013
Ashlyn has classes today and then work until midnight. I'm hoping the hospital calls and tells her not to come in. Supposedly they keep the crew they have on if the weather gets too bad instead of having the next crew drive in it. I'm a bit nervous, actually a lot nervous, having her go to work tonight. She's 18, too old for me to call in for her? ;) I want to!
I need to make a trip to WalMart here shortly. I'm sure it will be mass hysteria there with people stocking up and bread, milk and toilet paper. All the necessities needed when we hear it may snow :D BUT I need some new rechargeable batteries for my new camera so I can take pics of the snow. We have enough milk and tp, but I will probably pick up a loaf of bread lol
Also, I took down my 2012 calendar. I hate throwing calendars away that have beautiful photography in them, such as this one. This one is made by Norfolk Southern Railroad and has a lot of great train pictures in it. If anyone would like to have it for the photos, please let me know. I'll be happy to mail it to you!
Ok, I guess that is it...Now to go make the preps for our storm.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Watery Wednesday II - Pott's Creek
Pott's Creek in Paint Bank, Va.
I've blogged about Paint Bank HERE so I won't bore you with the deets but if you are a new visitor or missed some Paint Bank action, go have a peek! Such a neat little town :)
Linking with Watery Wednesday II which doesn't go live till Wednesday Eve, so check it out!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Barn Charm Tuesday - Country Club Road
Driving down Country Club Road further than I've ever taken it, I came across this cute little log cabin barn. I had to stop and shoot super quick as the farmer was out and I didn't want him wondering why I was taking pictures of his place..I'm shy like that! I will have to venture back down that road and get a better shot, plus I saw a house that seems like it was built onto a silo. I kinda noticed as I was driving past. Gotta go investigate that one a little more too.
I edited this in photo flexr, not a huge fan but I didn't really like the picture much since it's so distant. I used the "bronze" effect. Kind of reminds me of "we aren't in Kansas anymore".
Linking with Barn Charm!
Monday, January 14, 2013
Crepes in Daleville
Meet Cina Le Moine, the crepe artist. We stopped at Ikenberry's yesterday to try a couple of crepes. The Original French Creperie is parked in Ikenberry's parking lot and is open the same hours as Ikenberry's.
Nick and I went savory and split a chicken with bell peppers, onions and cheese while the boys prefer sweet and shared the Nutella with bananas. They are only $5 a crepe and are huge, definitely big enough to share. Very good. Hurry though because the truck will only be there till March then it hits the road for festivals.
Friday, January 11, 2013
SkyWatch Friday Fences-Shaver's Farm Road
Along Shaver's Farm Road, Fincastle
Linking with Friday Fences and SkyWatch Friday...Have a great weekend!
Linking with Friday Fences and SkyWatch Friday...Have a great weekend!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Lynchburg Graffiti & Monument Terrace
1) Can you spot the "charming" graffiti in the photo?
2) At the end of the road is Monument Terrace.
"The inspiring rise of Monument Terrace commemorates Lynchburg citizens who fought and died in the Civil War, Spanish-American War, World Wars I and II, Korea, Vietnam and present day. At the base on Church Street stands the iconic doughboy statue. Many other sculptures and markers line the 139 steps and terraces all the way to the top, where the old Court House Museum stands on Court Street."
I thought that I've shown pictures from Monument Terrace but when I searched my blog I haven't. I know we've been up the steps and I took a few pictures. I'll have to search my archived photos for a couple to show you up close!
2) At the end of the road is Monument Terrace.
"The inspiring rise of Monument Terrace commemorates Lynchburg citizens who fought and died in the Civil War, Spanish-American War, World Wars I and II, Korea, Vietnam and present day. At the base on Church Street stands the iconic doughboy statue. Many other sculptures and markers line the 139 steps and terraces all the way to the top, where the old Court House Museum stands on Court Street."
I thought that I've shown pictures from Monument Terrace but when I searched my blog I haven't. I know we've been up the steps and I took a few pictures. I'll have to search my archived photos for a couple to show you up close!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Black&White Watery Wednesday - Roanoke River
Roanoke River Greenway. Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital straight ahead. Ashlyn parks in the parking garage to the right and crosses that little bridge over the river to get to work.
Got home yesterday to Ozzy running up to the car. He was in his yard when I left but got out somewhere. One of the neighbors came by later in the day to ask me if I was going to start letting Ozzy run loose. Me: "Of course not"! His wife was walking their dog and Ozzy scared her pretty bad. Told me Oz was really pretty far out in the neighborhood just having a great time roaming around. So this weekend guess we'll be fixing the fence in his yard. It's always somethin' isn't it?
Linking to Watery Wednesday which doesn't go live till tonight.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Barn Charm Tuesday - Missouri
This photo credit goes to Jori over at Hi There Cupcake. I've been reading her blog for a couple of months now and discovered that she lives in the same small town in Missouri that we lived in!
Here's the "Back Story" my husband and I are San Diego natives. Lived there all our lives. When my husband joined the Marine Corps right after graduation we were hoping he'd get stationed somewhere far, out of state, somewhere exciting adventure...well, he ended up getting stationed in 29 Palms, Ca...a mere 3 hours from home.
After he got out we moved back to San Diego and stayed for a while. Had our first 2 children there. I was really wanting to move though and badly. I remember in 2000 he went to work in Yuma, Az. He was in the RV business and the winter in Yuma is a very good time for RV's with all the snowbirds moving down. I told him we were going to move and that was it. I wanted to move, raise the kids in "Small Town USA". I didn't know where but I knew I wanted further than the west, probably the midwest or south. I didn't think this California Girl could handle northern winters. I honed in on Missouri. Columbia to be exact. Nick has an aunt that lives there and I started researching it and loved everything I heard about it. He started submitting his resume all over and low and behold, he was hired in Missouri. Not Columbia but a couple of hours south, outside of Springfield. The dealership moved us out in the spring of 2001!
Having never lived outside of Ca before we decided that we wouldn't make any permanent decisions for at least a year. We had to stick it out for a year then we could decide if we would go back or stay. It got sticky there in the summer. I found out I was pregnant with the twins and the humidity was just AWFUL and I was ready to move back. We toughed it out and the homesickness went away.
Oh, so about the barn! Before we got to Missouri, I was reading the paper online looking for rental houses, like I said, we didn't want to make any permanent decisions for the first year. I found this great little farmhouse that sat on almost 200 acres for rent. The schools were great, which was of course my first priority. Which brings me to this barn. This was our barn! When looking at the picture, you can't see it but to the right would be our house. Then to the right of our house is the red barn which is featured in Jori's Barn Charm post for the day. When we moved to Mo, we couldn't move into the house for a couple of weeks so we had to rent a place in one of those extended stay hotels and we stored all of our belongings in that big red barn until we could move in. I can smell that smell of the barn in my mind as I sit here and type out this post. I remember moving in and Nick was already busy working. I had just found out I was pregnant, although we didn't know it was twins yet, and moving the stuff from the barn to the house by myself so that Nick didn't have to deal with that and work and killing myself in this new thing called humidity. Something we didn't have much of where we came from!
See that little shed in the back? I stored all my holiday containers in it!
Back over to the white barn in the photo above. We bought a horse, Bucky. You can see him on this blog if you do a search. He stayed in the pen there and was able to get in and out of that white barn. We moved there with 2 Rottweilers. Rock and Zeus. Our first few days there Rock was hit by a farm truck. The man that hit him worked on the farm we lived on (they raised cattle) and came running to the house to let me know he had hit Rock and came out to help me find him. Rock was ok, just a little scared, but how nice of that man to come tell me. People were just nice like that there. Not too long after that, Zeus ran off in a thunder storm. We heard that dogs get shot wandering out on farms because the farmers are afraid for their cattle so we don't know what became of Zeus but I just like to hope that someone took him in. We never saw him again. A couple of years later Rock got sick and died and is buried on the farm there.
We stayed there for a few years. By the time we started to look for a house to buy and move into, Nick was offered a good job down in Georgia so we took it and went off on a new adventure.
I know this is probably the longest Barn Charm post in its history lol but there you have the "Back Story"!
Anyways, isn't it so neat what a small world it is in the blogging community?!
And thank you so much to Jori for taking this picture for me and the picture of the big red barn! Those were our landmarks when trying to give someone directions to our house.."we live in the brick house in-between the little white barn and the big red barn"!
I have pictures I'll have to locate and scan. We lived there before I had a digital camera. I'll have to pull those out and share one of these days!
Linking to Barn Charm of course! Go check it out to see barns from all over and don't forget to stop over to Jori's place to see our other barn!
Monday, January 7, 2013
A view of downtown Roanoke. The mountain in the background is Mill Mountain. At the top, in the clearing is the Roanoke Star or Mill Mountain Star.
We're in for a warming trend this week with temps in the upper 50's and 60's....I'll take it!
Friday, January 4, 2013
Friday Fences - Hotel Roanoke
This painting hangs inside the Hotel Roanoke. When I snapped a picture, I missed the artist's name unfortunately and didn't find anything on Google. I love this painting though and look there, right along the bottom is a little stone wall that I can use for Friday Fences!
While Googling info on the artist, I did come across a couple of the hotel's famous recipes.
"Wanting to serve a “signature” dish that would stick in people’s minds, restaurant chef Fred Brown was asked to come up with something memorable. The result was peanut soup served with spoon bread."
“We are known for our peanut soup and spoon bread,” said Michael Quonce, marketing manager for the hotel in Roanoke, Virginia. A tasty combination, the peanut soup and spoon bread is a favorite memory with many hotel guests.
“It is always on the menu. I don’t think people would let them take it off,” said Catherine Fox, director of tourism and communications for the Roanoke Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau. “I can remember coming here as a child with my parents and eating it … The soup is very rich and good.”
We did try the Peanut Soup with our dinner. It was pretty tasty! And I missed the Spoon Bread which they served at brunch the next day but my husband tried it and liked it.
So, here you go:
2 quarts chicken broth
1 pint peanut butter
1 small onion diced
½ cup ground peanuts
¼ pound butter
1/3 teaspoon celery salt
2 branches celery diced
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Melt butter in cooking vessel and add onion and celery. Sauté for five minutes but not brown. Add flour and mix well. Add hot chicken broth and cook for a half hour. Remove from stove, strain and add peanut butter, celery salt, salt and lemon juice. Sprinkle ground peanuts on soup just before serving. Serves 10.
1 ½ cups corn meal
5 eggs
1/8 pound butter
2 cups milk
1 teaspoon sugar
1 ½ cups boiling water
1 1/3 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
Mix corn meal, salt and sugar together and scald with boiling water. Add melted butter. Beat eggs and add milk to eggs. Combine two mixtures and add baking powder. Pour into baking pan and bake 30 to 40 minutes at 350 degrees. Serves 10.
The floor we stayed on had a room that served appetizers and drinks. They had the most incredible chicken salad out. I swear I could have eaten the whole bowl if I was sitting there alone with no one to witness. I contacted the hotel for the recipe and they said they would talk with the chefs. Hoping I get it!
Also linking with SkyWatch Friday ...a painted sky works right?!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Another Lynchburg Street Scene
I was looking through recent photos and came across this one that I took when we were in Lynchburg a few weeks back. Not a great one as I took it while riding shotgun in my husband's truck so you'll have to excuse the antennae and spots on the windshield please! What caught my attention was the ghost sign of Craddock Terry Shoes on the building to the left. Remember I posted the info here about the hotel? To the right is Amazement Square. A fun children's interactive museum which I posted about a few years back, right here. We'll be taking a trip to Amazement Square again soon since I purchased passes for the boys for Christmas.
Lynchburg has the best assortment of ghost signs. Here's a cool collection someone has put together, right here!
Every time we go to Lynchburg, I tell myself that I will take a trip alone so that I can just wander the streets with my camera. My husband is pretty good about allowing me to jump out and get a picture, or he'll stop in the road for me, but he does get tired of that really quick so I miss a lot! And he's not a big fan of just walking around downtown, not like I am. I can spend the day doing that!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
January 2013 Theme Day - Best of the Year 2012
The City Daily Photo Theme for January has become a bit torn. Some, like me, prefer to go with the traditional "Best of the Year" theme that we've done every year and some wanted change. So Gerald was kind enough to host us traditionalists this time around. Thank you Gerald!
When I was thinking of which photo I wanted to use, this one immediately came to mind as one of my favorites. This is Agnew Seed Shop downtown Roanoke and I blogged about it right here back in March. Wow, doesn't seem like it was that long ago!
To see more entries on the theme, visit Gerald at Ackworth Born
Happy New Year!!
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