
Thursday, August 1, 2013

August Theme Day - Street Lamps and a 2fer

(click on photo to enlarge)
Yup, that time again. Another first of the month and another City Daily Photo Theme Day. This month's theme is "Street Lamps" and I was thinking since today is also the first football practice of the season for Braden and Dalton, we might as well feature the lights at the football field.

This is the football field at Lord Botetourt High School. My oldest graduated from here last year and my oldest son will be a junior here this year. Braden and Dalton will be practicing here tonight. Excited about football starting but at the same time a little sad as summer is quickly coming to an end :(

And this post is a 2fer, linking with Signs, Signs and to see street lamps from all over the world, you can visit City Daily Photo


  1. Signs of the start of school are numerous these days, not long at all. There was a site at one time where a guy took photos of old street lights in NYC, it was very interesting.

  2. Love the fluffy clouds! Summer is quickly drawing to an end :(

  3. What? Summer coming to an end? There's almost 2 months of it left! :-) Cool shot!

  4. Yes, still plenty more summer days left, Tanya. Love the shot! Those stadium lights are bright, I bet :).

  5. I've been seeing more ads on tv for back to school... the signs are all around us!

  6. Looks like the lights need to be on during the day with those clouds!!

  7. Can't bear the thought of summer gradually receding. Soon you will need the lights earlier and earlier during the day.

  8. We start school next week. Summer is coming to a close.

  9. The months do gallop by just a little too quickly!


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