
Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday Fences and Randoms

(click on photo to enlarge) Peaks of Otter Winery, Bedford

This is one of the cute inhabitants at the winery. Isn't he adorable? I love his eyes, so full of expression!

Linking with Friday Fences

And now I'm playing along with Nancy and her Random 5

1) I am reading a really fun book right now called "Goodnight Nobody" by Jennifer is funny. It's about a mom who lives in an uppity CT neighborhood and doesn't quite fit in. I'm only 28 pages in but she really made me laugh starting on the first page. I only read at bedtime once everyone is asleep.

2) Speaking of bedtime, I had a dream about Oprah this morning. We were at some sort of event and she was signing autographs but instead of signing "Oprah" she would sign "Nikki Nikki Nikki"...I was about to ask her why she signs her name that way when the alarm went we'll never know.

3) What's for dinner tonight? I'm thinking of making fried chicken. My boys LOVE fried chicken and ask for it often!

4) Speaking of unhealthy meals (see what I did there? lol)...I just started my second round of P90X on Monday. I've owned it for a couple of years and completed one full round as soon as I got it, 90 days. Since then I've just kind of maintained my weight with it by integrating some of the workouts with other workouts. But Monday I joined a challenge group and I WILL complete my second round. Today will be day 5....after I drink my coffee!

5) Our county is hosting a County Fair tomorrow that we'll go to. I was reading that it is the first time they've held a county fair in years. There will be pork chop dinners and ice cream sold by the FFA, local entertainment, tractor driving contests....cake, cookie and pie baking contests...just sounds like some wholesome, old timey fun!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Pigs are fun animals when small the big ones can be a bit much to have around though. I have done paintings of them, people like pig paintings for some reason.

  2. That's the most adorable 'snout' :) what a fab shot Tanya, sounds like you're in for a fun weekend, enjoy!

  3. Loool what an absolutely wonderful shot!

  4. That is one cool guy; great shot....Thanks for visiting. I have enjoyed my time with you......sure would love to know the answer to the Oprah question....maybe you can continue the dream tonight.....

  5. giggle about your dream about Oprah. ( :

    that pig has a huge nose. ha. ha!! maybe it is the way he is standing or your photo angle? any who ... too cute.

  6. That hog looks to have sampled a bit too much of the house wine.

  7. Your photo is soooo cute...great close up. I'd like to go to that Fair I could eat myself silly by the sounds of it, well that isn't all I'd do but...

  8. Coffee??? I'm relieved to know you have your priorities straight . . . (giggle) - The fair sounds fun.

    I do not know what P90X is . . (perhaps an exercise thingy???)

    I hope you have revival ice cream on hand.
    Love & Love,

    thank you for your kindness about my "point 7 shoot" attempts in the world. -g-

  9. Oh go back to sleep I need to hear who Nikki is. :) B

  10. I never have time to read....because if I have time, I'm on here reading everyone's blogs...but that sounds like a good book. Maybe when I don't work anymore I can pick up a book, huh?

    Nikki, Nikki, Nikki? lol You have really weird dreams.

    Love me some good fried chicken. What time is supper? (and let me know your address, please. Otherwise, I'll be driving around for eternity trying to find your house and will die of starvation.)

    Good for you that you lost and maintained...hope you get all fired up and continue to lose, if that is your goal. Otherwise, just be healthy....everything in moderation. That's the key to living well.

    Coffee? blech! Diet Coke or Mr. Pibb Zero? Yum!

    1. you know what is funny? a strange man just came to my door, he said he had the wrong house when i came to the door and ozzy was growling crazy...was he looking for fried chicken? :D

      my goal is really to just build more muscle!

  11. Oooo! I read Goodnight Nobody awhile back. Great book! :). Have fun at the fair, and enjoy that yummy fried chicken. I love it too, but my waistline does not! Or maybe it likes it too much?? :F

  12. that pig is awful cute. Perhaps he's looking for a little snack? County fairs are so much fun!!

  13. Looks like a real character, great shot!

  14. I can't remember the last time I had homemade fried chicken.

    Popped by from Random 5 Friday.

  15. Oink oink so stylish image and fine pig.
    Good weekend from Marit.

  16. Don't hate me, but I hate pigs. I know, I know, they are cute, but the noise they make freaks me out! LOL.

    The fair sounds fabulous! LOVE fried chicken and had it for the first time in a long time for lunch the other day.

    I will add that book to my read list!

  17. oh, i used to love the ffa fundraisers! or maybe it was the ffa boys... :)

  18. Your pig made me smile and I, too, am a night reader.

  19. you like your pork chops cute eh - Oprah's too busy buying handbags in Switzerland to come to your dreamland

  20. SO CUTE! :-) Great close-up, Tanya.

  21. LOVE the nose! My dad told me this story about myself - When I was about five and went to the slaughterhouse to pick up sides of pork from a pig he had slaughtered, upon seeing the carcass, I exclaimed 'Yup, that's Buttons, I can tell by his nose!' Out of the mouth of babes, right!? Thanks Tanya, for sharing on RBH this week!

  22. Have a great time at the County Fair, Tanya! Sounds like lots of neat activities to take in.

    I was intimidated to start GWTW too. I am so glad I got over it! I am about a quarter through the it and it's a page turner. I hope you try to read it.

  23. Awww what a cute piggy. Good luck with the P90X! I've heard it's pretty brutal, but you've already done it once so you know all that :)

  24. Such a friendly face, or snout! :)

  25. Adorable little pig!! (Well, this made me think of another book, Charlotte's Web:) I love your Oprah dream, talk about cliffhanger ending! Enjoy the fun weekend.

  26. I'm in love with your piggy shot. He's so dang cute. That nose! Great random 5

  27. A county fair sounds like a lot of fun. And, you gotta love that pig!

  28. Pork chop dinners!!!! Does that cute little piggie on this post know about THAT?!

  29. I'll have to add that to my list of books I want to read- thanks for the tip. I only read at night, also. Have fun at the county fair- show time is about to start here and our local county fair will be the first pig show for the grands this season.

  30. LOTS of great facts today Tanya --
    Lovin' that little piggie nose;
    I haven't had any weird dreams since I started taking Melatonin at night. I'm actually sleeping!
    P90X -- I've heard of it, but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to do it -- is it really difficult?
    We missed going to our fair this year -- I hope you get some awesome photos to share. :)

  31. Dropped over from "Signs" where i"m catching up...and your post for that was interesting (hope you find out more)...but just had to comment on this pretty piggy! He really is cute, but not exactly what I'd expect at a Winery.

  32. Cute, cute piggy! The fair sounds like a LOT of fun!
    P.S. I'm glad Ozzy was there to growl at the strange man at your door! Yikes!!

  33. Cute pig picture! He looks a bit nosey.

  34. Oink! Oink! Love this different to anything I have ever posted.

  35. Your photo makes me laugh! Sounds like you're having a busy, fun week. Good for you with the P90X. I've heard it's hard to do!

  36. I agree with Brian..this shot made me smile.

  37. I love pigs. They are very photogenic.

  38. Yep, your piggy made me laugh! He's a soulful looking cutie :) I'll have to look up the book you mentioned. Sounds interesting. Um, fried chicken is bad for me? ;) Hope you had fun at the fair!

  39. Hi Tanya,
    Such a lovely Picture of the sweet pig!And thank you for the book tip - I love cheerful books :)

  40. Love that piggie snout! I haven't been to a county fair in years. My parents would take us to one every August. I loved seeing the animals and riding the Ferris Whee.

    1. Wheel. But you probably knew that!

  41. Hey hey hey. Careful with that uppity CT thing! Jennifer Weiner grew up in Simsbury, CT, a Hartford suburb. (The teenagers in Simsbury call it Simsboring.)

  42. Well, I am not going to pass on commenting of your great shot. It is absolutely wonderful, Tanya.


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