
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

More Summer

(click on photo to enlarge)


I remember this day. Christian had baseball practice at Breckinridge Elementary School in Fincastle. It was early evening, warm...just really pretty. I love baseball season weather. I brought my camera and walked around the track taking pictures as his team practiced.

Right now as I get this post ready (Monday night) it is 5 degrees with the windchill -17! They cancelled all the schools in the whole Roanoke area early in the day on Monday, for Tuesday. Ozzy is scratching at the door to go outside one more time before bed. Oh, I guess I'll see what -17 feels like!

Linking with Ruby Tuesday


  1. My recommendation for walking at -17 is layer, more the better, and leave no skin exposed to the air. That's about eight minutes to frostbite.

  2. 55° here yesterday would you believe it? Way too warm. Lovely green image! Stay warm!

  3. It was 3 degrees when I came back to the furnace room/man cave a while ago, the back up propane system was not working, some error code. I took the cover off the system and finally found the reset that I saw the furnace guy use and now it has worked through two cycles so far. Can't wait for dawn when we start to get the heat wave and temps in the 20s eventually, I hope. Oh and minus 17 feels cold.

  4. I hope Ozzy has a warm jacket to put on! The weather here is horrible, but balmy compared to those temperatures, 10c/50f!

  5. I was wondering about dogs and duties. The photo looks rural and quaint, it used to be like this back home where there were no sidewalks and the house properties ran to the edge of the street....

  6. Whew, but its a dry cold, lol. Baseball practice starts in 2 1/2 weeks here. Cant wait.

  7. I was out feeding Francie earlier. It is quite brisk. I was glad I didn't have more outdoor chores than that to do!

  8. Be safe and think warm thoughts. Your summer image is beautiful!

  9. Such a warm and inviting picture!

  10. It got quite cold here in coastal Florida even! Everyone is digging out those hats and scarves.

  11. 4 when we 1st woke up this AM & now at 12 noon it is 14 ... a real heat wave. ha. ha!!! ( :

  12. It's cold here, too, but not that bad. Funny thing, our daughter's temperatures (she lives in the Colorado mountains) was the same today as ours: high 45, low 28. Brrrr. Unusual. Back to high 70s by Friday.

  13. I can't imagine what that temperature feels like... Poor dog.. Glad the schools closed.. Stay safe and warm...

  14. I tend to not pay much attention to the "feels like" or wind chill temp -- just never seems as bad in reality as it sounds. :)

  15. I always love to look back at photos, especially when it was WARM! This is a lovely one with some very nice memories. We are at 6 deg F. right now, a lot higher than people further up north or out in ND from what I hear from relatives out there. Stay safe and warm.

  16. What I wouldn't do for a warm evening right now! I miss being outside and enjoying it. Too cold to be outside for more than a few minutes at a a time!

  17. Oh boy! It's cold!!! Nice to look at this warming shot from summer. Stay warm :).

  18. They have blue streets in Fincastle? Bundle up. Minus seventeen degrees is nothing to fool around with. It can be dangerous.

  19. That is a great capture. I'm pretty sure that -17 doesn't feel so nice!!!


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