
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

School Picture Day

Today is picture day at Braden and Dalton's elementary school. It's hard to get the boys in something nice and Braden, who does not like shirts with collars, settled on at least a nice t-shirt, but when we were walking out to the car, the boys couldn't help themselves and slid in the grass (note the dirty knees already)...oh well, school pictures are usually only from the shoulders up,lol.

Have a great day. We're in for a rainy one here!


  1. What a smile-inducing photo of these little guys! ;-)

  2. Oh, you need to frame this shot alongside their "formal" school portraits! Boys in their native habitiat(that would be grass, mud, and smiles)

  3. Bien mignons ces petits garçons ! Et une belle couleur des cheveux !

  4. They are so cute and they look so full of "life" and energy!

    Thank you very much for visiting my weblog.

  5. Nothing is cuter than little boys foolhardiness...well to grammas anyway.

    Tanya, I like your new look and your new profile photo...

  6. ils sont charmants tes bambinos, il faut pas rêver les jeunes garçons aiment bien la boue ;o))

    they are charming your bambinos, we must not dream boys but love the mud ;o))

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hello !

    Tu feras la lessive ! Pour les genoux sales...

    You must wash... Smile...

  9. They are SO handsome. The grass stains are just perfect. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. And see the rest of yours.

  10. Very cute little guys!! Our school picture day is tomorrow. My 8-year-old has lost both front teeth this week, just in time! ;-)

  11. they look so happy. very cute. lovely shot.

  12. My brothers are identical twins and we were four kids at home too, my mother was used to say it was a full time job...and the washing machine often was out of work!
    Your sons seems full of energy! I'm pretty sure you're never getting bored with them!
    About Heather, this plant can't grow in a calcareous soil, only in an acid one. You could have a look if you find them in your garden center.

  13. Nice photo of the boys. Our school hasn't done the school photos yet but everyone elses seem to have.

  14. My son's school picture day is today too (Sept. 10). He received an injury on his face just 2 days ago from soccer practice (minor). So, the photo will show his true self. Even though....I did send him to school wearing a blue oxford button down where he normally wears t-shirts. He wore this button down shirt with a pair of shorts. Like you say, the photo will only be waist up. LOL!

  15. I'm seeing double! Your twins are adorable (although I'm sure they'd be appalled at someone saying that to them). They also prove the saying "Boys will be boys."
    I have an almost 14 year-old son who uses a roller-tape to get the dog/cat hair out of his clothes. last year he got mad at me if I picked a few off. They are constantly changing!

  16. Sweet pictures of your boys! It'll be a nice keepsake in years to come, no question! Who cares about dirty knees!!

  17. I have two boys too! They a picture perfect grass stains and all!


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