
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ozzy Sunday

A dog has one aim in life... to bestow his heart.

J. R. Ackerley

Linking to Sunday Best...stop by for a visit :)

*If you are a resident of Botetourt County, you might already be aware of the budget cuts we are facing that involve the possible elimination of all school sports at middle and high school level and an elementary school closure. If you didn't already hear about this, you can read the story right here and please attend the meeting on Tuesday, March 27, 6:00 pm at Lord Botetourt High School regarding this important issue. *


  1. So sweet post!Adorable picture!

  2. isn't he cute?! yeah, that is moi! one of the boys took it, you know they've been obsessed with my cameras now that they are taking that photography class, it's pretty fun to watch them click away!

  3. What a handsome fella Ozzy is!
    Love the quote.

  4. A strong shot of a dog's love and owner's delight in a fine pet. I hope the funding issue is resolved without such severe cuts. We have a district nearby who lost their levy that was just for maintaining the program and they've scheduled a second election. They found out many parents were not signed up to vote so they are undertaking a program through the school to make that process easier. I hope the levy passes the next time.

  5. What a great shot, Tanya! Makes me miss my dogs. They're so much fun.

  6. Lovely photo Tanya, Ozzy is such an awesome dog, and I think that's a real shame about the budget cuts. I hope you get enough votes to put a stop to that.

  7. Ozzy looks like a great companion!

  8. Cripes! Is this dog EVERYWHERE? He surely gets around. hahahaha

  9. Dogs do have open hearts, and total love! They add so much to our lives.

  10. Ozzy looks like he is a joy to have around.

  11. Looks like he is loving life.

  12. And they do, give us their heart!

  13. What a great shot of your friend. Thank you for sharing at Your Sunday Best, Tanya. :)

  14. Great photo of the two of you! :) The boys are doing a good job!


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