
Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Light Dusting

This is what it looked like after our big snow on Thursday,lol (see SkyWatch Friday photo)


  1. Not much left... I bet the kids were desapointed! :-)

  2. aw, cool! At least you got to see it falling and sticking a little bit! Maybe next time it'll be more fun.

  3. Now why did I expect deep snow in Virginia. Perhaps I need to check my geography. Thanks so much for your many comments, Tanya, and especially your support concerning the two new dogs. Much appreciated.

  4. Jilly, we are in southwest Va and from what I hear, we don't get alot of snow here.

  5. I, for one, am happy for y'all that you only got the dusting, not the drifting. Snow's beautiful falling but oh so much of a mess staying!

    You're right about Neutral, Drive, Reverse. And L stands for Low, which is sort of like first gear. I don't remember ever putting a car in L, though, because it wouldn't automatically go into D for drive. I'll have to check with my younger brother--he'll remember if Daddy's instructions to me were to stay out of Low!

  6. Hey, we had 3ft of snow---I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Enjoy the dusting before it is gone. MB

  7. Snow is exciting and beautiful, but always causes trouble on the roads.

    Btw, I was very relieved to read that your son, and the other children, were all okay in that bus accident!

  8. Goodness me! I bet you had to dig yourself out of your house! Lol :)

  9. Wasn't much of a snow, was it? Ah well. Maybe later in the month...

    I can remember when snows in Virginia piled up to the windows on a school bus. The drivers put on chains and hauled the kids to school regardless, and sometimes it was like riding a bus in a white tunnel with snow piled so high on both sides that you could no longer see the fields.

    That has almost 40 years ago, though. We haven't had a good snow since, um, maybe 1993?

  10. Snow is magical when it falls. Especially if you don't have to drive in it. Even though we're having a particularly stormy winter in Vermont, participating in CDPB has forced me out (on foot) in all kinds of weather. A good cure for cabin fever.

  11. Like JM I'd think the boys would be very disappointed about that...

  12. You had more snow than we had here on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee.
    Thanks for visiting my site.

  13. The best kind of snow is the kind you don't have to shovel!

  14. Brrr!! It is certainly a colder winter this year. I love yeasterdays post as well of the falling snow.

  15. It' s actually snowing as I write, and it's sticking!!!
    I bet I am going to have to do some exercise tomorrow morning before leaving the house!!!

  16. You are so lucky! We get NOTHING here on Chincoteague. Love your blog..must add it to my links. ;o)

    Boomer Chick

  17. We had 7 or 8 inches over night. A light dusting would have been nice.

  18. That's a cool shot but we haven't gotten any snow either. Maybe later we will!!!

  19. Too bad...better luck next time.

  20. If your boys want some snow to play in, they can head our way! We got another 4 inches overnight and it's still coming down.

  21. Oooo, Big snow! HA! LOL! I was thinking I would like Virgina, but not if that's all the snow you get!

  22. Snow wise, you are definitely beaten by Paris! :-)


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