Washington's Headquarters at Valley Forge, also known as Isaac Potts House, was in the Isaac Potts House, located at the confluence of Valley Creek with the Schuylkill River, in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. General George Washington made his headquarters here during the encampment at Valley Forge of the Continental Army, during the winter and spring of 1777-1778. The restored building is part of the Valley Forge National Historical Park and is open to the public.
This small house is believed to have been constructed in 1773 for Isaac Potts, operator of the family grist mill. Although some sources place the construction date as early as 1759. In 1777-8 the property was owned by Isaac but rented to his aunt, the widow Deborah Hewes, who sublet it to Washington. The General's wife Martha lived here with him during the later months of the encampment and the administrative business of the army was transacted on the first floor.
Such a tiny house it looks to be, but then I suppose he only needed a couple of chairs and a desk in order for it to be considered headquarters.
I love that stone facade. Really neat old house with a lot of history.