click on photos to enlarge

I think it was last week when I showed you the commissary...well this is just a little bit up the road from there and from what I can gather it was originally a mine called SPEC for the type of ore mined there called "Specular Hermatite"...the company owned the housing, about 12-15 houses, the commissary and the power plant which is this building...the mine shut down in 1926 or 27...

Going in to investigate...

Be warned, I'm probably going to show you every detail so jump ship now if you're thinkin' "ain't no one got time for dat"...

I was in arch Heaven!

So in the 1930's the Fringer Canning Company took over the former Spec Power Plant and ran until the 1950's canning tomatoes, peaches, apples and beans under the Banner Mill can see a copy of the label if you

You knew we were going to have to go up those stairs didn't ya? They were surprisingly sturdy!

A portal...hellloooo down there....

It's kind of like this arch was made as an after-thought...

Everybody is busy checking things out...

Potty break anyone?

This must have fallen off a piece of says...Trademark Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. No. 125...just so you know :)

The train came by (remember I showed a picture of the front last week?)...I thought it was kind of neat to get a picture of "strange" since this building was a little strange, in a good way!

Something leaked out of that can years ago!

That little white spot is was the only ice we saw anywhere in or around the was freezing outside, but this was the only tiny bit of ice...weird huh?!

Time for us to be going now...I'll show you more sights around Spec next Tuesday!

Oh look, that little building with the green roof is the commissary!
Some links I used for info are
HERE and
And while I didn't see anything about the Fringer Cannery
HERE is an interesting read about canning and labels in this area!
Linking up with Tom's
Tuesday's Treasures
If you made it through this whole post today, you're a trooper!
Oh and one more thing...while searching around the net I found that Black Dawg Salvage had been out to the Fringer Cannery and salvaged a few's Season 3, Episode 12 titled Fringer Cannery...I'm going to see if it's available On Demand!