
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Stagville Plantation - The Bennehan Home

click on photos to enlarge
Before our tour started we were able to walk the grounds, which was nice because our tour was very crowded so I was not able to get many pictures of the inside...
This little cradle is one of the few original pieces in the home, built early 1800's
The children's room
Our tour guide Gil...I like the is a painted canvas meant to look like marble
The girl in the painting died of Tuberculosis, along with 3 of her sisters. This portrait was found in an attic on the cost 10's of thousands to restore!
You can read more about the Bennehan Home HERE
Come back tomorrow to see more, including the cemetery!


  1. This is not the large, stately house I might have expected of an 18th Century plantation. But it is a fine looking family farm house. I am enjoying your photos.

  2. I love the simple beauty inside & out ! The cradle is wonderful as is the quilt.
    Great tour!

  3. It is a beautiful house. The girl's portrait is particularly poignant.

  4. This house is just perfect to me. Not too big!

  5. I have a thing for old houses like this. Reminds me a lot of my grandmother's house in northern Minnesota. Beautiful!

  6. Are the colors in curtains and walls some that would have been used then?
    So interesting. Will have to pull up site to read about this place. I have never heard of it and glad you visited and shared with us. Look forward to next post.

    1. Yes they are! And our guide told us how difficult it was to mix a color of paint then from berries etc and to make sure that you had enough to start with because mixing one of the exact color would be so difficult to match!

  7. Lived this post!! You know how i love history and amazing old houses! Had never heard of this place--such a fun part of blogging---always learning new things. Thanks for the comments on my blog and hope you visit again and again!

  8. Big house with HUGE airy rooms! But sad memories too. My favorite thing is the yellow door frames in the dining room, too pretty!

  9. Replies
    1. I know crazy!our
      guide said that would be equivalent to San Francisco!

  10. Nice little house. Looks like a wonderful tour.

  11. What a gorgeous old home. I love places like this!

  12. Interesting shots here and yesterday in Bennehan House Tanya, especially the finger marks on the bricks, so much history here.

  13. Interesting shots here and yesterday in Bennehan House Tanya, especially the finger marks on the bricks, so much history here.

  14. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed this posting (too)


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