
Monday, July 11, 2016

Corpse Bride

click on photo to enlarge
Zihuatanejo, Mexico

This was taken from my seat at a restaurant we ate at when we were walking around Zihua on night. It was a rainy night and we saw a crowded little restaurant filled with locals so we decided to stop for some tacos. We sat out on the sidewalk, right along the street. A stray dog was there, visiting our table, and the tables to the left and right of us. Being the dog person I am, I was thinking how rude everyone was for just ignoring this poor little hungry dog...soooo, I threw him some scraps of my tacos when Nick tells me to stop doing that. "Stop right now!" he says. He told me everyone was watching me with shock when I started feeding the dog. Then a little boy from the next table took some scraps in a napkin and walked the dog across the street to feed him. LOL...I guess I looked like a heathen, feeding the dog right where I was ;)

Ugh, I developed a horrible, HORRIBLE sinus infection. Remember when I told you I wasn't feeling well? Well, I felt like junk all weekend long. My head was killing me and I could barely be up off the couch. I took some decongestants all weekend and am feeling so much better. Sinus infections are no joke! Hopefully that's all behind me now!

Linking up with Monday Murals


  1. I hope you get better soon :)

  2. Very skinny corpses.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  3. An interesting mural. I must admit, I like the brighter ones. :)

    I get sinus infections a lot, so I feel your pain. Hope you're on the upswing!

  4. Great story to go with the mural. Sinus infections are a pain. Hope you feel better!

  5. You just never know what different customs other countries have. But I am glad they were not staring at you because you fed the dog, but because you fed him at the table. I assume the lowly pooch is banned from civilized meals. The corpse bride...I hope it is not a store! Perhaps graffiti? It almost looks too artistic for graffiti. So sorry you got sick, sinus infections are awful!!

  6. I've had full blown sinus infections. The only thing that helps is medication. And sleeping sitting up in an easy chair.

  7. Hope your sinus infection is now gone. Proper medication helps a great deal. Interesting shot of the two Day of the Dead characters.


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