
Monday, August 1, 2016

City Daily Photo August Theme Day: My City's Skyline

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The view of Roanoke from the Mill Mountain Star...let's zoom in a bit:

This shows 3 well known Roanoke landmarks: 1) The Wells Fargo building 2) Hotel Roanoke 3) St. Andrew's Roman Catholic Church

To see city skylines from all over the world visit City Daily Photo

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  1. It looks a lovely part of the world- some great buildings n there too, hope to visit it one day!

  2. I used to work for Wells Fargo but, never traveled east of Minneapolis for them. That building sure dominates the skyline. I love seeing the hotel and church too. Great shots.

  3. What a pretty city! Your landmarks are great, and their surroundings look interesting, too. It looks like you have lots of mature trees, always beautiful.

  4. Great views, thanks for sharing.
    Have a nice new week

  5. This is wonderful! And I recognize so many things. I have never been up Star Hill because I am afraid of heights. But I so want to go. I know they have a zoo up there also. SO, is it a winding mountain road that will scare me? I want to go!

  6. That is a beautiful view of your city! I like the zoom in you took.

  7. Wells Fargo seems to have their name on everything. Nice variety of structures in your photo.

  8. I've run and walked around that Catholic church many times.

  9. I've run and walked around that Catholic church many times.

  10. You've got a real city skyline! Roanoke has come a long way from being the "lost" colony.

  11. Very pretty! I love the church.

  12. Buddy and I go up there and shoot photos with the iPhones every time we get to Roanoke. It is such a great view and this is one fine capture of the Star City beneath. Happy week. genie

  13. Great photos, thanks for the tour!

  14. Nice job! Looks like you chose a pretty day too.

  15. The view of Roanoke from the Mill Mountain is really great, Tanya !

  16. Love the sky! And it's nice to see the big sights of Roanoke. :)

  17. Impressive view of your city, love the three different styles of the buildings!


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