
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Langley Fountain

click on photo to enlarge

That's Langley Fountain in the distance...I've shown a different view of it HERE along with a little info about the fountain. I love Lynchburg's old buildings. We were surprised at how far the riverfront restoration has come along. So many great new restaurants have opened up! You can read the plans HERE and I'm linking with Tom's Tuesday's Treasures


  1. That's a big fountain. Nice to see that nice things are happening in your city!

  2. Langley fountain reminds me of the fountain in King's Park Tanya, it kind of slowly whooshes away 😊 and then it leaps up really high making unsuspecting passers-by jump! ☺

  3. first I thought that they had a water main break! That's one might tall fountain. It's good to hear that they are restoring the river front. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. So Lynchburg is named after John Lynch? I never knew that! I think I may have seen this, and now wish I had paid more attention! It is so high! Wonder if it is still the highest around...

  5. Beautiful picture, Tanya. I clicked on your link. Very interesting information. Hope you continue to feel better.

  6. That's a pretty impressive fountain! LOL!

  7. It is pretty! I saw several fountains like this in Switzerland last fall.

  8. Nice photo with the lights and I recognize it again from earlier photos. A truly great fountain!
    Get well soon


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