
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Water Flow

click on photo to enlarge

Murray's Mill . Hickory . NC

3 more school days till spring break...just trying to keep my head above water this week!

p.s. I wish I could figure out how to photograph water where it looks so smooth coming over the rocks...know what I mean? How do you do that? Advice welcome!


  1. Beautiful image, Tanya, I like the water and the composition !
    To photograph water where it looks so smooth coming over the rocks you should use a long exposure time (with tripod).

  2. Follow Karl's advice, Tanya. To do it well, you must use a tripod or have your camera securely fastened to something so it doesn't move.

  3. ...water always flows down hill.

  4. This is gorgeous! A blogging friend does the smooth water a lot. It is a special lens. I can ask if you want.

  5. Yes, it's the long exposure and a tripod. Lovely shot!

  6. You have to s.l.o.w. the shutter speed and NEED a tripod. Your shot is beautiful!! blessings ~ tanna

  7. This is gorgeous! Like the others have said, long exposure (15-30 secs.) and a tripod.

  8. What a beautiful image. I kind of like it this way. Though a photo with smooth water taken as the earlier commentators have indicated would probably also be nice. I generally "freeze" the water as you did it here. Just personal preference.


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