
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Salem Red Sox

On Mother's Day, we went to the Salem Red Sox game. The Red Sox are our minor league baseball team. I love going to these minor league games. They are so much more geared towards the kids than major league. After the game was over, they let all the kids down on the field to run the bases. The boys loved that. Christian is having his baseball banquet there too.

For more information on the Salem Red Sox, just click the title.


  1. superbe mascotte ;o)) il faut en trouver une pour l'équipe de foot d'Evry
    superb mascot; o)) it is necessary to find one for the team of football of Evry

  2. We went to a minor league game in VA with my parents and the boys a few years ago. Just like you said, it's all geared for the kids!

  3. Cool pic! I guess your twin will want this one on his bedroom wall! :-)

  4. This is such a sweet shot. How great that the kids get to run the bases at the end of the game!

  5. looks like you had a grand time.
    i do enjoy going to the games.

  6. It's really a great place to ENJOY a ballgame with the family. Hubby plays summer ball with a team for G.E. in Salem... if this rain ever quits just maybe they will get in a few practices before the season starts.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  7. Gosh that looks like a fun time!

  8. I would have to get season tickets, if I was that close.


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