
Thursday, May 28, 2009

SkyWatch Friday

It's been a few weeks since I've participated in Skywatch Friday, not sure why, just busy I guess! This shot was taken yesterday at the Blue Ridge Park. We were getting ready for some afternoon thunderstorms which have been happening every day this week and we've been having to postpone our baseball games and practices. In fact, Braden and Dalton were supposed to have a game tonight, but another afternoon thunderstorm rolled in and fixed that for us. It's been so frustrating! Christian is supposed to have practice tomorrow night so keep your fingers crossed that we have clear weather!

To see skies from all over the world, visit SKYLEY!


  1. Fantastic shot, and i must say I love your new header pic as well, gorgeous.

    Have a great weekend
    Regina In Pictures

  2. Crazy, isn't it? We were dry as a bone and then it started's still raining and that was two weeks ago. Parts of Florida were declared a national disaster area by President Obama!

    Fortunately, we're high and dry, but the pool is full and everything, including the weeds, is growing like crazy!

  3. One of my favorite memories is watching a storm roll in over Monticello. So beautiful.

    Great picture.

  4. Oh I love all the green. This photo is so pleasing to the eyes.

  5. hey tanya...nice skywatch capture. and yes the weather around here has been kind of discouraging for outdoor activities.
    have a good weekend.

  6. This is an absolutely lovely shot, congrats!

  7. Have fingers AND toes crossed that it won't rain tomorrow, but the weatherman can be such a party pooper and ruin everything.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  8. Wonderful picture. I'll take the storm if you don't want it. Nevermind it's supposed to rain here too.
    Have a great and hopefully dry weekend.

  9. un très beau paysage, mais, le ciel semble lourd
    a very nice landscape, but, the sky seems heavy

  10. That could almost be England but I guess that haze is a lot warmer. Very atmospheric.

  11. Beautiful photo. I can almost feel myself there.

  12. Its easy to get mad because of the rain, lots of games around here were getting rained out, but we sure will be wishing for it in August.

  13. Nice green on the photo: grass, trees, and mountain in the background.

  14. Lovely scene, I can just see the thunderstorm braking over it.


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